'Forbidden Light,' Japan's SM6 Set!

There hasn’t been a good Meowstic EVER.
For some reason, I thought this one might be good for a second.

Energy Play is kind of nifty though.
TPCi seems to be getting into the mood of moving the opponent's energy. This seems like the perfect time to whip out the good ol' Furious Fists Sylveon/XY Wigglytuff lock deck.

They'll never see it coming.

And yes, I used to play this. It was beautiful. It's the ultimate noob stomper deck ("Wait, you mean I CAN'T ATTACK?")

  • First attack, ehhh decent is meowstic is stuck in the active.

  • Second attack, this one is actually pretty good!

Overall 2.5/5
Don't know why you guys are roasting Meowstic alive, even though it's Psychic, if you're behind on prizes, boom, Counter Energy, for one energy Psychic, and then, boom, KO against most High energy wielding Pokemon.
Don't know why you guys are roasting Meowstic alive, even though it's Psychic, if you're behind on prizes, boom, Counter Energy, for one energy Psychic, and then, boom, KO against most High energy wielding Pokemon.
That's what I was thinking, can tech in to smack down Buzzwole and could be a useful tech to chip down a Gardy, a lot of people would argue Lele is already in the deck and can be used for that, but Lele gives up 2 prizes instead of 1
That second attack could actually be kinda fun to punish mons that require a bit of energy to run. And since we have a card coming that lets you move your opponent's special energy, you could set them up to be in KO range! Wish it had more HP though.
Linework and shading feels intentionally reminiscent of the XY anime. I bet it's a hit with fans.
I got some info of Greninja GX, he has 230 Hp,2 energy retreat cost, his only attack and gx cost water and dce,grass weakness and his attack deals 110 and has some additional effect.