Strange eyes
If you were to play this card in a deck you would almost never use the second attack. Only the first attack to set up.The stats on this card is basically everything you would want from an evolving basic Pokemon.
Good HP for a basic. 1 retreat and attacks for 1 energy.
But it doesn't evolve, so by attaching to hoopa your not leading up to anything. not only that but your only doing 10 damage a turn with a chance to paralyse, in a format where people play skateboards in their decks to retreat paralysed pokemon anyway.
(Escape Board)
Wow. This set is genuinely terrible. It's basically only going to be the stuff from SM5+ and maybe Ultra Necrozma and Malamar that will sell the set when it gets to us.
A lot better than Evolutions, mind you, but only slightly better than Flashfire.
Hoopa doesnt evolve so theres really no point in doing that.Really not good. Maybe Hoopa unbound prism star or GX next set that evolves from regular Hoopa? Probably not, but I can hope.
For Pokemon I agree, but didn’t we get some awesome trainers in flashfire?