Foreign Card Banning Petition. If you signed, post your POP ID!


why are we playing Pokemon?
This is bad. For people that own mostly Japanese cards, they're stuck with nothing for tournaments. People will have to get rid of their precious Lv.xs for cards they can use. If you want this to not happen, sign up!

1. imacharizard333 - 204114
2. The Fallen One - 186402
3. #1weavile
4. Juliacoolo
5. Bippa201
6. Blaine
7. ChaosKnuckles
9. infmach
10. SotS
11. Daren
12. Metalizard
13. Renzo
14. elekid957
15. Pokefan4000
16. rage780
17. Giligan1004
18. yoyofsho16 - 225427
19 Sebi-Roy
20. Zierant
21. Insayneflame
22. red blastoise - 224720
23. Garchomp - 215914
24. Heavenly Spoon :F - 357870
25. hampuse1
26. Ho-oh_Master
27. Alegarritano
28. Muddy68 - 424783
29. Weavile132 - 240782
30. abomasnow-Man29
31. gundambot1
32. CuboneGirl98 - 237613
33. Hana-
34. MS Eeveelution
35. Luxurayman2
36. GoldenDP
37. Ice Espeon
38. vrapceboy
39. Dr4g0n - 22274
40. Charizard88
41. masterryanx
42. Ice Espeon
43. Mistylover33
44. team overdose
45. Full Moon - 67707
46. vilebaseball
47. mca3
48. afstandopleren - 352188
49. falcom4ever
50. Dark Espeon
51. Medaforcer
52. pan_chibura
53. dragonnair
54. rkomarco
55. omahanime
56. froggy025
57. zephilim - 465119
58. ne68127
59. TofU
60. d master342 - 114201
61. ESP
62. piplup234
63. hunter994x
64. masterofthecards
65. Meaty - 432694
66. Sub-Zero
67. koayteow
68. TruTruSky - 115566
69. ProfessorJ
70. Shaymin Lv.x
71. Munchlax09
72. Mudkip - 247528
73. Light Venusaur - Light Dragonite
74. psychic poop - 626336
75. Puncher
76. BlazikenEX - 453002
77. minipika12 - 657360
78. ThePokemonDude - 213257
79. 213263
80. 419288
81. ze_draeck - 224610
82. Dimentio - 80281
83. LoneTyranitar - 419915
84. Mr Drif - 230835
85. GHJamesGH - 226451
86. chefz11
87. darkrai master777 - 119902
88. gengar the baller - 430052
89. tpewebmaster
90. Naziman
91. Krucifier - 177270
92. PokeChamp - 202013
93. Zilvis - 250554
94. dragonspy900 - 103588
95. Shaymin Lv.X 442206
96. Blastoise_Trainer - 166629
97. The Power of Three - 238215
98. kevkev77777 - 465135
99. Myuu - 218430
100. Flare - 229620
101. sceptile33 - 424776
102. MetalFire
103. StealthAngel667 - 204719
104. darksoulSP - 635856
105. festizzio - 685654
106. Rayquaza95 - 250062
107. Infernapwn4
108. TDA - 676229
109. Lolmonster - 78673
110. Galloxys
111. DarthPika - 372371
112. Azul - 213339
113. Lucario_aura_wielder - 241105
114. .::n00bmuffin::. - 247678
115. Raquaza96 - 430050
116. prophet1986
117. Meesie666666 - 7503
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I said I'd sign it, so I'll sign it.

*pulls out a ridiculously large pen*
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

^ Hey no fair, I already said I's start one, and I am very known by PUSA from my many complaints, but ya, whatever, I support.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Juliacoolo said:
^ Hey no fair, I already said I's start one, and I am very known by PUSA from my many complaints, but ya, whatever, I support.

...where did you say this? Either way, imacharizard333 said he would make one first. >.>
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Guys, where do you buy these huge pens, I want one!
Anyway, I'm adding you to the list.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign. My stupid dialga's value probably just dropped like $20.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign with an 18 foot long pen in honor of Peyton Manning. PUSA is going down!
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I do not really care, but I want to help.Sign me in!
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

You're all in! I have a good feeling about this...
People, if you are a member on another Pokemon forum, get them on this petition!
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign!

I've been trading for foreign language cards because I thought I could use them, PUSA you're going to pay for your errors. >:
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

You're in!
Oh, and in case you guys are thinking about it, DON'T POST ANOTHER THREAD! 2 is enough!
(just saying)
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

You're in (I say that a lot LOL). Let's do this!
... I want 1000 people by tomorrow. :p
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I love the idea of the ban. I hate how people get all of the uber rare cards from Japan for basically nothing, and then I have to learn what they do.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'm in! For sure! I'm totally reliant on my japanese cards and just bought a japanese box. I can't believe they would ban them!