Foreign Card Banning Petition. If you signed, post your POP ID!

RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

You're both in!
And amisheskimoninja, if you don't care don't post in this thread!
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

this is madness.... i wonder if i'm allowed to use a japanese metal NRG card? it has the same everything except the white border... ah well i'll sign anyways.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

This is stupid.

This is Crazy.

This is MADNESS!


I don't believe this. This has got to be the worst thing that's happened to the game. Imagine how many players will drop out. Imagine how much money PUSA is going to make. This makes me sick. PUSA is taking advantage of us players to make money. I sense Japanese cards going DOWN in value while English cards skyrocket to the point of you spending $150+ to build a good deck from scratch. I feel sorry for those who got Japanese booster boxes. I really do. I was going to get the Japanese BET Battle Pack for Gallade 4 Lv.X, but I guess it'll be unplayable now.

Edit: I started a petition on Pokegym, and they're saying to mass e-mail PUSA. Good idea anyone?
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I was just about to get 1-2 boxes of POTF because for me RR doesn't do that much since I make G decks not GL/C/FB decks. Anways RR's Eveelutions is okay if you still run MD Umbreon+MD Espeon.
TO AEN get over people get Uber rares for nothing, if you wanted you could get them too instead of wasting too much money buying english cards. I am also really against PUSA banning Jap cards because I once bought an ex box and got no ex's or *'s. In japan boxes I heard you are guarentted 2 lv.x's and 3 sr's, heck why should I waste money buying english boxes when I can buy Jap cards off Ebay?
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Renzo said:
This is stupid.

This is Crazy.

This is MADNESS!


Why do you people always post this stuff before me? ;_;

Anyway, I'll sign it. Even though I don't have many Japanese cards, I think this is unfair. How are people supposed to sell their DPPt-on Lv.Xs now?
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I will sign even though most of my collection are english cards. It only affects me because I have some Japanese basic energies.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Im PO'd my deck has JPN claydol and JPN X's and now i cant rly use them and cant trade them cause no one once them Pop u messed up, lost alot of respect from the players, you have 5 months 5 to open ur eyes and see that pokemon cards should be universal no matter what language and be glad that ur game has had glad that cards make people happy but now ur just taking away from the players... and it hurts...

RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I will sign... even though it doesn't make a difference...

You need to email PUI to make a real difference. Everyone who signs this NEEDS to email PUI, with a thoughtful, non-flaming email.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition


This isn't as much of a problem to you guys as it is to Europe, though, this might significantly reduce international play here...