Ruling Forretress LA + Blastoise SW Sequence of Events


If I have 1 Blastoise and 2 Forretress in play, I use Waterlog to attach 1 energy to each Forretress, do I attach, attach, flip, flip or attach, flip, attach, flip?

(card scans: Forretress, Blastoise)
I think that was asked before, and I believe the answer was that it only counts as one action, so you only flip once for the whole thing.
Okay. It was hard to determine the right answer from that previous topic I made, because almost everyone had a different interpretation. I assumed that if you attached energy to different Forretress, then you could flip for each Forretress, because no one disagreed with it.
Kronar said:
chanman45 said:
You only flip once. Here is the Dawn Stadium ruling.


It works on the same principle as Blastoise and Dawn Stadium, the attachments all occur at once so you only get to flip once.

I said it in that thread, and I will say it again. All of the energies get attached at once, so you get one flip. Using Blastoises Power attaches all of the energies in one action. If you wanted to flip more than once you would have to use something like Leafeon LvX.