Forum game (A or B?)

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England, not America, cause I kinda hate bush, no social security, starts wars, and spends more money on the army then on the support of people, also, 5% of American's population controls 95% of the money... that's just crazy. other things:
stops counties from making mass destruction weapon, so it's the only mass-destruction country
it seems like they attacked Iraq just for the oil
what's up with America an their flag, I mean, everyone has one in his garden, who loves his country?
legal weapons, WHAT?, also, the death-sentence, also on the youth.
so, ... I don't have anything against Americans, just America's political system.
nah, I said all I know about America.
please don't hate me for this, I just felt like typing this, and don't go saying it's not true, cause it is.
(wow, this is probably my longest not-deck post)

America or Europe
Finland, LORDI

Belgium or Netherlands
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