Ruling Fossil Set Aerodactyl Pokemon Power

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Warlord Kentax

Aspiring Trainer
For the fossil set Aerodactyl when it reads "No more evolution cards can be played" does this mean that things like Magicarp's Rapid Evolution no longer work too?
All that means is that you can't do normal evolutions anymore. Rapid Evolution pulls Gyarados from your deck, so it will work. Rare Candy and Wally's Training also get around Prehistoric Power. It's not as fearsome as it once was back in the day - at least not without support.
Team Compendium said:
== PREHISTORIC POWER (Aerodactyl - Fossil Expansion)

Q. Does Rare Candy override evolution-preventing effects such as Fossil Aerodactyl's "Prehistoric Power"?
A. Yes, you can use Rare Candy when Aerodactyl's Prehistoric Power is in play. (Sep 18, 2003 PUI Rules Team; Jul 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Q. If I have a benched Fossil Aerodactyl and a Dark Pupitar active, and I flip heads on "Explosive Evolution", do I get to search for a card that evolves from Dark Pupitar and evolve it?
A. It's been established in earlier rulings that "Prehistoric Power" affects Pokémon being evolved by Evolution cards being played from your hand as a normal evolution. Since "Explosive Evolution" comes from your Deck, Aerodactyl does not prevent it from happening. (Jan 20, 2005 PUI Rules Team)

For Pokémon Breeder, I am not sure what the ruling would be, since the rulings for the older cards have not been updated, and it is unlikely that they will be updated.

It seems that for the ruling for Prehistoric Power, it stops normal evolution, but doesn't stop evolution that is forced by a trainer card, Pokémon Power / Poké-Power, or attack. That is the way I see it.
Ok, that's what I thought. Thanks a lot. It's still pretty good though. I'm playing in tournament next week that allows all card sets and I thought I would use my Aerodactyl deck that specializes on tough basic pokemon. I wanted to know the rules for this so that there wouldn't be any confusion once the games started. I'm gonna trounce some new cards! Old School Style!
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