Help Found my old cards


Aspiring Trainer
Hello all! I recently found my pokemon cards I collected when in school. As I am now a broke teenager the first thing that comes to mind is to sell them however I'm really not sure what I could get for it. If anyone can help me out on figuring out the worth of my cards it would be greatly appreciated. They are in great condition, most have never left the folder for years. I will post an Imugur link below with pictures of the cards.
Thanks very much :)

It really depends on how the state of the cards are, as collectors want completely mint cards without any white corners or other damages.
The ones that have some value are:
Raticate from Boundaries Crossed
Blastoise from Boundaries Crossed
Amphoros Prime
Meganium Prime
The first 6 cards on the first image
Hypnotoxic laser from Plasma Storm
Escape Rope reverse from Plasma Storm