DPPt/HGSS Free pokemon no hacks :D

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Aspiring Trainer
totally free pokemon and you can become a member i am giving away an pokemon shiny or non shiny any lvl and you can also have any item so if you lke pokemon then come here to get freee pokemn!~!!! :D
Oh, Ok. However, if it does, I'm holding you solely responsible.

You know what, never mind. Sorry.
Light Venusaur said:
I think their using POKESAV...which is like hacking.

Technically, PokeSav with the Legality Checker is perfectly fine. As long as there is no 999 in every stat or moves they can't learn, abilities that can't know, etc.
I understand this is very contriversal on its legality and all, but I NEED to complete my Legendary Shiny collection and Im almost done!

Can you get me: Shiny Regice, Shiny Regirock, Shiny Reggigigas, Shiny Heatran, Shiny Articuno and finally Shiny Mewtwo????

Im not sure what you want for them, but since you can basically just conjure them up, shouldnt be too much right?
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