DPPt/HGSS free pokemon!!!!!

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RE: free pokemon!

uhhhh no i can but i can make it so they can learn any move and so they can basicly but i cant make pokemon evd
RE: free pokemon!

Can i get a.....NON shiny scizor lv50 (or closest as possible)


Bullet Punch
X Scissor
Swords Dance

Adamant Nature
Technician Ability

Caught at Route 115

Can it hold a power item as well? any one will do.
RE: free pokemon!

Hi. I'm from Brazil, and I need Mew, Mewtwo and Jirachi.

If you have anyone and if you wanna trade it, record my fc.

Say what you need. I have Ruby, Saphire, RedFire, LeafGreen, Colosseum and XD pokemons, all authentic.

FC: 2750 9307 3417

jerichob10 said:
well faster then that and why??
im new to the game and i am wondering if you got any of these pokemon for pokemon platinum?
evolved or preeveolved it doesnt matter and it doesnt matter if it is ev trained

charizard or charmander
venasaur or bulbasaur
blastiose or squirtle
flygon or trapinch
garchomp or gible
electrivire or elekid
magmortar or magby
slaking or slakoth

please let me know if u have any, pm me, maybe we can work out a deal for some type of payment
thank you
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