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Standard Freezing Trade (Glaceon/Zoroark) Deck


Aspiring Trainer
I play Glaceon/Zoroark in expanded so I thought it could be good if I ported it to standard.
This is the list that came of the testing of Glaceon/Zoroark in standard.

19 Pokémon
4 Eevee (SUM 101)
3 Glaceon GX (UPR 141)
4 Zorua (SHL 52)
4 Zoroark Gx (SHL 53)
Deoxys (CST 67)
Oranguru (UPR 114)
2 Tapu Lele GX (GRI 60)

30 Trainers
4 Cynthia (UPR 119)
3 Guzma (BUS 115)
2 Lillie (UPR 125)

4 ultra ball (SHL 68)
3 choice band (GRI 121)
3 escape board (UPR 122)
3 energy lotto (GRI 122)
2 nest ball (SUM 123)
2 great ball (SHL 60
2 enhanced hammer (GRI 124
Field blower (GRI 125)
Pal pad (UPR 132)

11 energy
7 water energy
4 double colorless energy

I have been thinking about removing 1 enhanced hammer but I am unsure about what to replace it with.

Recommendations are welcomed and will be taken into account when modifying the deck.
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You’ll probably need aqua patch, and probably less escape boards. Maybe play one or two more nest as well. 3 energy loto also seems a little exesive, and deoxys is not really needed. Here probably what I would do
-2 energy loto
-1 escape board
-1 enhanced hammer
-1 Deoxys
-1 water energy
-1 Cynthia (you are a zoroark deck, you won’t need 4)

+3 Aqua patch
+2 Nest ball
+1 kukui
+1 Apricorn Maker

Not sure what to take out but 2 judge would be good too