lilsparks101 said:Yakkov said:Thank You G2F, but can you make another that is like this one I made:
I would like the new one to be 800 width x 200 height.
The same dark background you used on the previous banner, but just include Darkrai this time.
I want the font to appear ghostly if you can. Saying "AniMatt Wi-Fi League". Make the font animation different from the static animation, but make in fade as well, but not too much.
Please make the entire image fade into static, and back again to the picture for a ghostly aura.
Make the edges of th banner like I have on mind, so it appears its jumping up at you.
Dark_Mewtwo said:what about me
Unknown said:He'll do it eventually. G2F, would you happen to know where people get the Giratina picture in the IFDS commercial, I'm in the mood to get one.
Monkey1014 said:Did you do mine yet? sine I'm not on the waiting list and I can't find my wrestling banner in any of these mass posts. :O
Yakkov said:Thank You G2F, but can you make another that is like this one I made:
I would like the new one to be 800 width x 200 height.
The same dark background you used on the previous banner, but just include Darkrai this time.
I want the font to appear ghostly if you can. Saying "AniMatt Wi-Fi League". Make the font animation different from the static animation, but make in fade as well, but not too much.
Please make the entire image fade into static, and back again to the picture for a ghostly aura.
Make the edges of th banner like I have on mind, so it appears its jumping up at you.
Bubba235 said:Yeah. Take your time George. Thanks again for the banner!
M*A*S*H4077 said:[Username] Dark fire
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) banner I need the size to be 1000x400
[Background] (Links Optional) blackish
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say) Pokeshack Forums font/centrio
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc)
[Employee Request] anyone
[Comments/Suggestions/Details] it for my website
[Rating (After it's finished)] yes
Light Venusaur said:G2F: Can I have a list of requests that members want me to do...please.
The_Brian_Kendrick said:[Username]The_Brian_Kendrick
[What you want]banner
[Pictures]my picture in my avatar and a picture of darkrai
[Colors Scheme]blend
[Employee Request]
[Rating (After it's finished)]
[What you want]Avatar
[Pictures]I want a animation of the picture in my avatar and a picture of darkrai and then it says my name
[Colors Scheme]
[Employee Request]
[Rating (After it's finished)]
Light Venusaur said:I've never tried doing "buttons", may I give this a try?TearsofanUchiha said:Yes sir, that is correct and I need these done A.S.A.P. Get ready. I will edit this post with forms, as I fill them out. I will not repeat my username countless times, as it is quite a hassle. =f Also, I want all of these done by G2F, so yea...
[What you want] -Button-
[Background] Whatever you feel works best.
[Pictures] Weavile
[Text] New Reply
[Colors Scheme] Reddish-bluish
[Employee Request]
[Rating (After it's finished)]
[What you want] -Button-
[Background] Whatever you think works best
[Pictures] Arcanine
[Text] New Thread
[Colors Scheme] Reddish-bluish
[Employee Request]
[Rating (After it's finished)]
[What you want] Background like the one on top of the Forums.
[Background] Whatever looks amazing. Go all out!
[Pictures] Arcanine and Weavile
[Text] Team IceFire "Elite TCG Team" <---Make it look cool.
[Colors Scheme] Whatever you think
[Employee Request]
[Rating (After it's finished)]
[What you want] PokeBall like PokeBeach has, make it different
[Background] (Links Optional)
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say)
[Colors Scheme] Grayish...
[Employee Request]
[Comments/Suggestions/Details]Make it medium...
[Rating (After it's finished)
[What you want] PokeBall
[Background] (Links Optional)
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say)
[Colors Scheme] Regular PokeBall Color
[Employee Request]
[Comments/Suggestions/Details]Make it medium...
[Rating (After it's finished)]
Unknown said:Will do G2F.
[Username] Unknown
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) Icon or buttons, whatever you call it.
[Background] (Links Optional) None
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
- Original Mario mushroom
[Text] (Font/What to say) None
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) None
[Employee Request] Anybody
[Comments/Suggestions/Details] It's for luckyluigi7's forum.
[Username] Unknown
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) Icon or buttons, whatever you call it.
[Background] (Links Optional) None
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
- Mega mushroom
[Text] (Font/What to say) None
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) None
[Employee Request] Anybody
[Comments/Suggestions/Details] It's for luckyluigi7's forum.
[Username] Unknown
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) Icon or buttons, whatever you call it.
[Background] (Links Optional) None
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
-Poison mushroom
[Text] (Font/What to say) None
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) None
[Employee Request] Anybody
[Comments/Suggestions/Details] It's for luckyluigi7's forum.
[Username] Unknown
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) Icon or buttons, whatever you call it.
[Background] (Links Optional) None
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
- Gray mushroom
[Text] (Font/What to say) None
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) None
[Employee Request] Anybody
[Comments/Suggestions/Details] It's for luckyluigi7's forum.
I got ToaU's forums things..
valk said:ok, no one has been able to do it yet, Il just get a banner then.
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) banner
[Background] (Links Optional)storm clouds
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)t-tar, dragonite, alakazam
[Text] (Font/What to say) There's a storm coming... in bright colors besides red
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) dark and stormy
[Employee Request]none
[Comments/Suggestions/Details]don't use card scans
[Rating (After it's finished)]hopefully, 10\10
I'll need the pics for the banners, but, I'll do the banners.
shayminlvr said:G2F
Charizard88 says I'm on your waiting list. But I don't see it on yours, I see it on Charizard88's.
Poke_Gal said:I know I don't work here, but could I help in anyway? I happen to have free time...
Plus, I think you need help...
Shayminlvr said:Uh hi, my sister said I could get a cool banner here.
[Username]Shayminlvr's Sis
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.) Banner
[Background] (Links Optional)Blue and green blend
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say)Shayminlvr's Sis. The REAL sister of shayminlvr.
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc)Blend
[Employee Request]
[Rating (After it's finished)]
choccy417 said:[Username]choccy417
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.)Avvy
[Background] (Links Optional)on the last slide put "credit to and lilsparks101"
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say)
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc)
[Employee Request] lilsparks101
[Comments/Suggestions/Details]make the pics at least 125/125, rotate between the pics
[Rating (After it's finished)]
TearsofanUchiha said:LV~I am speechless. I...I...I...I LOVE IT! That is so awesome. That is definitely going on the new forums. Thank you so much. Also, George PM me as I have a proposal for you.
shaymin707 said:[Username]Shaymin707
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.)Avatar
[Background] (Links Optional)kinda the same backround as the banner
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say) 春野 サクラ
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) same backround as banner
[Employee Request]G2F
[Comments/Suggestions/Details]sorry for bugging you for another avi....
[Rating (After it's finished)]
Charblaze said:[Request Form]
[What you want] (Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.)userbar
[Background] (Links Optional)anything
[Pictures] (Links Preferred, no codes)
[Text] (Font/What to say)Charbaze
[Colors Scheme] (Patterns, blends, etc) something cool
[Employee Request]G2F or lilsparks
[Rating (After it's finished)]