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Frog-Geist (Greninja / Gourgeist / Dusknoir)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4x Greninja (XY)
    4x Froakie (XY)
    3x Gourgeist
    3x Pumpkaboo
    1x Dusknoir
    1x Duskull

    16 total

  • 4x N
    3x professor sycamore
    4x Superior Energy retrival
    4x Rare candy
    3x Hypnotoxic Laser
    1x Professors Letter
    2x random reciever
    2x Megaphones (or scrappers)
    2x Skyla
    1x Super Rod
    3x Ultra Ball
    2x Frozen City

    31 total

  • 4x Psychic Energy
    9x Water Energy

    13 total

So the plan is this; get a few Gourg's out and a Greninja or two on the bench with ol' Dusky. Frozen city goes in play because this deck will AT MOST play 2 energy on a poke, and that will be geist. Gourg blows himself up + his foe (generally an EX), or uses his 1 energy attack against stage decks to spread damage. Greninja finishes them off by throwing energy stars at 'em, or they kill themselves trying to fuel to fight back. Hypno keeps with the theme, allowing you to kill 1 poke a turn. Due to all the love for EX's, this will often be a 2 for 1 trade, keeping you up on prizes. Frozen city doesn't bother you because Gourg will kill himself anyway, and greninja's don't NEED energy to do what they do. Sup energy retrival keeps the fun flowing, super rods do the same. Dusknoirs here "just in case" you have to use your small gourg attacks, so you can consolidate damage and kill targets still (and to move damage from cities to priority targets).

Any help with this would be great :)
RE: Frog-Geist (Greninja, Gourgeist, Dusknoir)

I have been testing Gourgeist a lot in a variety of ways. From my experience, I can share that there are 2 main decks that will give Gourgeist major issues: Dark (e.g., Yveltal or Darkrai EX) and Virzion EX techs (e.g., Virgen). Either opponents' Yveltals or Virizion EXs with a Muscle Band can KO Froakie and Pumpkaboo. Also, VEX nullifies any of yor poision tactics...

So, you may want to consider utilizing some "big" HP Call for Family Poke to facilitate setting up your bench.

Also, I found a 1-1 Dusknoir to be too inconsistent for me. I run a 2-2 line.
RE: Frog-Geist (Greninja, Gourgeist, Dusknoir)

i have been running a wierd deck online with gourgeist. I run a 4-4 gourgeist line with two kyurem with glaciate, 2-2 wheezing line as well as a 2-2 garbador line. It has been suprisangly good. I have beat some big decks like yveltal/ darkrai/ garbodor, Plasma, Aromoatise and freinds, Rayboar, Emoleon, kingdra/ greninja, and i was one turn away from beating a vir/gen deck.

I wasnt expecting the deck to be good but it suprized me.
RE: Frog-Geist (Greninja, Gourgeist, Dusknoir)

@Tuxedo: Good info! I'll probably try it as is for now and tweek it (building it online as IRL I'm building my dark-control deck because I have most of the pieces)

@Ironman: Sounds very different, which is good! And no EX's either :O Would be keen to hear the list in its entirety
RE: Frog-Geist (Greninja, Gourgeist, Dusknoir)

Tested the deck online and it did very meh... was very slow, and I seemed to never get any of my draw power. It was very inconsistent... :(
The reason why it is so inconsistent is because of the Greninja line.

-4 Greninja
-4 Froakie
-4 Superior Energy Retrival
-2 Random Reciever
-2 Frozen City
-2 Rare Candy
-9 Water

-27 cards

+2 Trevenant
+2 Pumpkaboo
+1 Sigilyph
+1 Dusknoir
+1 Dusklops
+1 Duskull
+2 Colress
+2 Level Ball
+1 Dowsing Machine
+1 Heavy Ball
+5 Psychic Energy
+3 Double Colorless Energy
+1 Evosoda
+1 Skyla
+2 Switch
+1 Escape Rope

Trevenant is a cool card to have in here because you can put a lot of damage on the board with him, then move it around with Dusknoir; since this deck sets up so slow, he helps you set up by putting your opponent behind. Then I added some more supporters and search, changed the energy line, and threw in a Sigilyph, who also helps slow your opponent down. Anything else should be fairly self-explanatory. I hope this works better for you!
OblivionDvdr said:
The reason why it is so inconsistent is because of the Greninja line.

-4 Greninja
-4 Froakie
-4 Superior Energy Retrival
-2 Random Reciever
-2 Frozen City
-2 Rare Candy
-9 Water

-27 cards

+2 Trevenant
+2 Pumpkaboo
+1 Sigilyph
+1 Dusknoir
+1 Dusklops
+1 Duskull
+2 Colress
+2 Level Ball
+1 Dowsing Machine
+1 Heavy Ball
+5 Psychic Energy
+3 Double Colorless Energy
+1 Evosoda
+1 Skyla
+2 Switch
+1 Escape Rope

Trevenant is a cool card to have in here because you can put a lot of damage on the board with him, then move it around with Dusknoir; since this deck sets up so slow, he helps you set up by putting your opponent behind. Then I added some more supporters and search, changed the energy line, and threw in a Sigilyph, who also helps slow your opponent down. Anything else should be fairly self-explanatory. I hope this works better for you!

Have you actually playtested this build at all? Just curious to know what results you had, especially against Blastoise, RayBoar, Yveltal, Garbodor and Virizion decks.
A Trev deck may work, but as Tux said, will it beat the top dogs? I agree, greninja was severely slowing it down. I've been trying to find something to make him work in... but failing hard lol.
Try gardevoir. It's slow because you need two energy on a pokemon that is guaranteed to die at the end of the turn. I ran a gourgeist/gardy/bronzong deck with tropical beach as a benchmark and the deck shone with flying covers.

Sadly I don't have any real beaches, but it just proves the deck concept.
Roarkiller said:
Try gardevoir. It's slow because you need two energy on a pokemon that is guaranteed to die at the end of the turn. I ran a gourgeist/gardy/bronzong deck with tropical beach as a benchmark and the deck shone with flying covers.

Sadly I don't have any real beaches, but it just proves the deck concept.
"...guaranteed..." not if the opponent is running Virizion EX.

Zid - when I considered the "top" decks right now, there were a few deck traits that were similar and can be exploited with Gourgeist and other Poke to provide some alternative/additional firepower. Gourgeist has a difficult matchup with any Dark deck or Virizion deck. So, consider experimenting with some counters to those decks. Hint: Eeveelutions... :D