Standard PokeBeach rules apply.
1. All cards are mint/near-mint unless otherwise specified, and I expect the same from you.
2. I get my price points from eBay, Troll and Toad, etc., so no low balling please.

3. Happy trading :3
Haves (NXD and beyond)
1x Genesect EX
1x Rayquaza EX
1x Mewtwo EX
1x Magnezone EX
Full Arts
1x Meloetta EX FA
Ace Specs
High Value Cards
1x Rayquaza* (Looking to upgrade to as good a condition as possible)
1x Flareon*
1x Torchic*
1x Keldeo EX
1x Darkrai EX
1x Yveltal EX
Holo energies
2x Ex Power Keepers Water
6x POP/P!P Water
2x Ex Power Keepers Psychic
Rares and Notables
Black and White
1x Emboar
1x Zoroark
Noble Victories
1x Conkeldurr
1x Hydreigon RH
1x Eelektross
1x Leavanny
1x Archeops
Next Destinies
1x Bronzong
1x Wigglytuff
Dark Explorers
1x Blissey RH
2x Accelgor
1x Sableye
Dragons Exalted
1x Drifblim
1x Bouffalant
1x Hydreigon RH
Boundaries Crossed
1x Shaymin RH
1x Gliscor
Plasma Storm
5x Klinglang
1x Giratina RH
Plasma Freeze
2x Kyurem (RH, 1 Reg)
1x Umbreon
3x Exeggcute
1x Leafeon RH
Plasma Blast
5x Drifblim
Legendary Treasures
1x Cobalion
1x Zekrom RH
X and Y
1x Chesnaught
1x Dugtrio
1x Furfrou RH
1x Malamar (Mental Trash)
2x Shiftry RH
1x Milotic RH
2x Florges
Staples and Trainers
1x Max Potion
3x Protection Cube (1 RH)
8x League Promo Enhanced Hammer
2x Pokemon Catcher
3x Enhanced Hammer (1 RH)
1x Virbank City Gym
6x Trick Shovel (1 RH)
13x Plasma Energy
2x Ultra Ball FLF
1x RH Rocky Helmet
1x RH Cheren
5x Roller Skates
5x Frozen City (1 RH)
1x Hard Charm
1x Plasma Badge RH
4x Professor's Letter
1x Team Plasma Ball RH
2x Evosoda (1 RH)
3x Switch (1 is Base Set with lots of edge wear)
2x Escape Rope (2 RH)
1x Cilan
1x Iris RH
1x Skyla
1x Blacksmith
3x Silver Mirror (1 RH)
2x Escape Rope League Promo
3x Tool Scrapper
4x Crushing Hammer League Promo
3x Shauna
4x Heavy Ball
3x Colress Machine
6x Energy Retrieval (3 RH)
1x Skyarrow Bridge
3x Pal Pad
4x Sacred Ash (1 RH)
1x Pokemon Center Lady
4x Shadow Triad
2x Elesa
1x Plasma Frigate
3x Crushing Hammer (1 RH)
3x Cassius (1 RH)
2x Ultra Ball (1 PLB 1 DEX)
1x Max Revive RH
3x Team Plasma Ball
4x Devolution Spray
4x Fiery Torch
3x Aspertia City Gym
5x Silver Bangle (1 RH)
2x Shadow Circle
4x Superior Energy Retrieval
3x Energy Switch
*A million others, ask if you need anything and I'll probably have it*
* = Low want
** = Medium Want
*** = High want
HIGHEST WANT: Mint Rayquaza*, I have one that's NM with some peeling that's ever so common in the EX Deoxys set, but it's probably my favorite card ever so I'm trying to get one as close to gem mint as possible!
All Gold Stars and Shinings***
Make me an offer, I'd love to check your list!
Thank you for your time, and happy trading!