Frustrating Onions - The RMT


Spell card! Love Sign ~ Master Spark!
Soooo, those who have been on the PokéBeach Shoddy server lately will have been exposed to this team, and frustrated to no end by some of the members of it :p. I was told of a unique Heatran moveset to try out, and decided to try and build a team around it. I didn't get as many entry hazards in as I would've liked, but god, it's such a potent set as it is that it hardly needs them to do its job. I'll try and make a newer version soon though, so although this isn't retired it's maybe not going to be used much when I revamp it.

(BTW the record when I post this is 13-0; definitely better than most of my teams lately :p)

The Team At A Glance:


Taking a Closer Look:


Uxie @ Choice Scarf
Bold Nature
EVs: 232 HP / 124 SpA / 152 Spe OR 252 HP / 104 Def / 152 Spe

Stealth Rock

I wrote a big analysis of this set before (linky - it's the third set), so I'll be a little more brief with this one. At least in terms of describing the SET.

My idea for this team was to use that Heatran as a key staying force within the team. To do that, it needed to be able to stop things from setting up on it... but running Taunt would be suicide. So I decided to go to Scarf Trick pokes instead to do the job. I was thinking about Azelf, but Azelf is really fragile... and I wanted something that had use beyond simple tricks. Uxie has staying power as well as a high degree of disruption, especially in the lead slot. Let's take a look at what most common leads will do for a sec:

Azelf: Usually sets up Rocks or Taunts, as most as sash leads. Sash is pretty useless to Uxie (but it does give more disruption with Trick later), but Uxie essentially prevents Azelf from doing anything EXCEPT set up rocks, or at worst a screen. If it Taunts I 100% U-turn, but if it sets up rocks then I have the opportunity to set my own up as they switch. Uxie is so bulky naturally that it takes a massive shot (usually Explosion) to OHKO it anyhow, so it doesn't tend to be a bad thing to set up afterwards.

If it is ALSO Trick Scarf, it's not an issue: I simply switch out to Celebi as they keep trying to palm their Scarf off on me. I U-turn from there to keep momentum in my favour.

Aerodactyl: Same as Azelf, just without the Trick bit.

Metagross: Practically always sets up rocks. TrickScarf disables it - with two Protect users on the team it isn't usually hard to scout choiced pokes.

Infernape: Fake Out does like 7-9% or so, then it sets up rocks. Trick deals with that, and from there it plays pretty much the same as above.

Swampert: See Metagross. Pert can't even hope to scratch Uxie, so even if it attacks it's hardly an issue.

Roserade: Well, I'm faster, so Trick will lock it into Sleep Powder. Even as Uxie sleeps, it's not the end of the world: Celebi tends to make for a good double-switch thanks to its own Scarf, and I can try to get Uxie to wake up later. The key point here is that Toxic Spikes don't go down, and that's a big help for Vaporeon.

Jirachi: Well, most are also Trick Scarf, so what I'd tend to do HERE is set up rocks alongside it and go to Celebi on the double switch. If it starts spamming Iron Head I'll go to Metagross; if he starts to fail due to flinching I'll go to Vaporeon and Wish back up.

Smeargle: Meh, Trick as it Spores is usually the best idea. Similar to Roserade; the difference being that in this case the sleep is 100%, and it's general entry hazards that are messed with. If it Taunts for some reason instead of Spore, all the better; it becomes like Azelf then.

Ninjask: Welllll this one is slightly trickier. Overall, +Spe isn't devastating to most of my team (given the nature of much of it), so it isn't a big deal to see it sub down. What IS a big issue is potentially what comes out at the end... I can't outspeed it to Trick Scarf onto it, so it will Sub before I get a chance to pull that off. I think the best bet is to go with Psychic to break a sub, then go to Metagross and attempt to Bullet Punch it out of the game.

Heatran: TBH I have no idea. I GUESS I could Trick it as it sets up rocks/a sub, but I've never seen a Heatran lead, so idk.

As you can see, the set really does mess with many of the common leads we see in the game atm. Whilst it doesn't always shut down their primary purpose (setting up rocks), it neuters them for the rest of the game, and that to me is just as important. Seeing as how I don't tend to switch very often after I bring certain pokes in anyhow ^_^

A note on the EV's: The Spe hits 264, enough to outdo base 130's + Scarf Breloom. The latter is extremely important for using the first EV spread, as 124 SpA (factoring in the 30 IV to make the IVs legit) guarantees a OHKO on Breloom with Psychic. The second EV spread was the one I originally started with, but I've since tested the second one out (thanks bacon for giving me the numbers :p) and it's definitely proved useful. Uxie still survives enough to afford to give those defensive EVs up. Speaking of which, the HP on the first set hits 349, which in the case where I find Uxie with a Life Orb rounds down the damage it takes.

If I still have my Scarf later on in the match, it's always helpful to trick it onto a wall or something that tends to set up on Uxie :p


Metagross @ Iron Plate
Adamant Nature
Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe

Meteor Mash
Bullet Punch

This was chosen over Scizor (omgnoScizorwtf) because of the Rock resist primarily, but also because Meta is an absolute beast and can serve as an emergency check to Gyarados is Vappy fails.

This is the basic CB set with one key difference; it lacks CB :p. Since I have two Steel moves, I decided to fake a CB set and run Iron Plate instead. It still gives the impression of a CB set, but the key thing is that it allows me to finish things off with Bullet Punch much more easily. It's really awesome when Lucario/Latias/Salamence come in on Thunderpunch expecting to be able to set up, only to be wasted by Meteor Mash/EQ next turn... and if they live THAT Bullet Punch is usually enough to finish them off.

The EVs are simple; max Atk gives the biggest offensive power possible, which is important without CB. Max HP gives Metagross the physical (and sometimes special!) bulk it needs to be able to take the hits the team needs it to, and the Spe is to outdo base 70's that don't invest at all. I could be persuaded to run slightly more if needed, but atm I haven't had to worry about it.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Calm Nature
Flash Fire
EVs: 244 HP / 224 Spe / 32 SpA / 8 SpD

Lava Plume

So, this is the new Breloom for me (those who played me in the old days should know what I mean ;D), and seriously it's just nuts. Comes in on something that doesn't particularly threaten it (not hard given that it's Heatran), Subs up as they switch, and Torments as they break the sub with their best attack. From there, usually it's a second Sub that is set up, and Protect every second turn to guard against the attack they have that can break it. Lava Plume comes when I get the chance to use it, and the 30% burn rate is very handy against Gyarados/Swampert/Salamence/anything.

Obviously this relies on the opponent only having one move that is capable of breaking its sub, but that's not normally a bad assumption; with Heatran's gigantic resistance set, coupled with the extraordinary bulk of the set, most pokémon can't break it. Choice users are especially destroyed, as they are forced to Struggle every second turn, doing almost all of my damage for me. The vast majority of pokémon that normally beat choiced Heatran can't stop this one.

Some key pokémon can though. Blissey, since I don't have Toxic Spikes, will stop it cold, although it will be very annoyed by Torment. Opposing Heatran can't be touched even if I DO get TSpikes down, but they can't do anything BACK either, so if I have a Sub up it isn't a disaster (Torment then switch normally). What IS an issue though is those who can set up as well as Rest, as they can stop my burn from killing them. This is where the trick pokes come into play; they're designed to palm off Choice Scarves onto the pokes I can't handle with Heatran, so that it makes it easier for Tran to wreck stuff.


Celebi @ Choice Scarf
Timid Nature
Natural Cure
EVs: 80 HP / 248 SpA / 180 Spe

Leaf Storm
Hidden Power Fire

So the idea of this Celebi is to complement Heatran perfectly, by being able to completely disable a setup sweeper that would tend to beat Heatran (particularly Calm Mind sweepers, although any setup sweeper with Rest is hugely problematic to TormentTran). Choice Scarf is the most obvious thing to trick to things to neuter them completely, so that’s why ScarfBee is the set of choice here. Leaf Storm allows Celebi to cause considerable damage to any potential opponent that doesn’t resist it. Sadly that’s a lot of opponents, but quite often you will find that teams don’t have half a team resistant to grass :p. Hidden Power Fire is obviously for Scizor, although it complements Leaf Storm pretty well in terms of coverage (Steel, Grass and Bug are all hit for SE damage). Trick is self-explanatory, and U-turn is to scout initially. It isn’t completely safe to open with HP Fire, as most good players are cautious of this move on Celebi. After all, most bees do use HP Fire JUST because Scizor is such a threat...

The EVs are pretty simple. 248 SpA lets me hit things as hard as possible with Leaf Storm, allowing for an easy 2HKO on 252 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar,as well as a OHKO on min/min versions, even factoring in Sandstorm. 180 Spe acts alongside the point dropped for HP Fire to hit 308 Speed, which outdoes everything up to positive natured Lucario, thus allowing a swift KO with HP Fire before it gets the chance to Crunch me to death (even after giving up my Choice Scarf). It also avoids a speed tie with neutral nature base 100 Scarf pokes, which always helps considering Flygon is in that category. The HP seems odd, but it serves a purpose – factoring in the 29 I had to give Celebi to make the IVs legal on Shoddy (although it generates HP Fire 69 as a result, it was the change that caused the fewest points to be dropped), 80 HP EVs generate a HP stat of 359. This is handy for the cases when I receive a Life Orb from the opponent. That way, my recoil damage rounds down, which is always helpful.

The power of Leaf Storm makes this a potent revenge killer, but if it receives a Life Orb (as factored in above), it becomes a dangerous sweeper in its own right. The fact that this and Heatran cover each other so perfectly really helps though, as it gives both pokémon ample opportunities to switch in. Lack of recovery on this Celebi is made up for by Vaporeon’s Wish, when it stays alive -_-


Snorlax @ Leftovers
Careful Nature
Thick Fat
EVs: 168 HP / 88 Atk / 252 SpD

Body Slam
Fire Punch

Not quite a faker like Metagross, Snorlax is coining the Choice Band setup without the band. Obviously I have a lot less power this way, but Snorlax's defensive investments means that it's hanging around for quite a while, which is what this team needs to ward off threats like Starmie and Jolteon.

Being a coined CB set, I have a move for virtually every occasion. Body Slam is usually what I lead with; almost everything that switches into Snorlax eats paralysis 30% of the time, which really helps my team overall. Quite often, the stuff that comes in on Snorlax are then weak to one of the other moves (Scizor, Lucario being the best examples), so I often get to hit them for a KO at the same time. Always a plus.

Few things don't take somewhat effective damage from this set. Those that don't take much tend to be easily handled by other team members though (Gyarados/Salamence etc), so it normally isn't an issue.


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Calm Nature
Water Absorb
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Def / 60 SpA / 4 Spe

Hidden Power Electric

Theoretically MVP for the team, it normally doesn't end up becoming that. Mostly because Heatran and Celebi run the show D:

But yeah, Vaporeon is a quintessential addition to the majority of my teams, and this one is no exception. The idea is that Vaporeon's Wish can be passed to literally every member of this team (well, Uxie is debatable) without excessive risk, as practically everything resists one of the types that Vappy is weak to, or has the SpD to eat the move regardless. EVERYTHING on this team greatly appreciates Wish, as nothing else has its own recovery, and pretty much everything is bulky enough to take a hit. Protect is obvious for scouting and self-healing with Wish. HP Electric is a better move than Ice Beam nowadays because Salamence OHKO's Vappy with DD Outrage anyway, making Ice Beam a bit of a useless move to use. With HP Electric, Vappy can easily counter Gyarados, who if it packs EQ can devastate most of the rest of the team.

The EVs and Nature are slightly custom, but not drastically different from the standard. Calm is preferred to me beause it gives a higher overall stat total, and makes taking on Heatran and other special attackers that much easier. It's a big benefit to be able to take less damage from a Starmie's TBolt when you're attempting to KO it with HP Electric. Vappy's Def isn't undermined much; I've hardly ever noticed the difference, and I can't think of a single circumstance whereby I lost due to a lower Def. The HP EVs hit 449, which is one above lefties for safety. The Spe is just to outdo min Spe Vaporeon, although I've heard that they are rarer now for some reason o.o. The rest is applied to SpA to give Vappy some needed bite in its attacks, hitting a respectable 270 SpA.

And that's that! I might add more later, but I don't have time atm. So, rate and enjoy!
Have you thought about having Explosion on Metagross, possibly over Bullet Punch? I understand the priority, but maybe Explosion could be a useful last stand attack when Metagross is near death. Also, if you would take Bullet Punch off, then Iron Plate with 1 Steel attack is sort of pointless, so possibly Life Orb in its place.

I also noticed that 4/6's of your team is weak to Infernape. I would assume that Heatran would survive a Close Combat from an Infernape, but you still have nothing to revenge it. The only thing that really resists Infernape's Close Combat is Uxie and Celebi, but Celebi can be handled by a Fire Blast/Flare Blitz, unless you play mind games with them and U-Turn into Heatran, but you can't really keep that up. Depending on the Infernape, Close Combat could be a 2HKO on Vappy.

Another suggestion would be to give Celebi Earth Power. If they bring in a Heatran, and then you switch to Heatran, it could be an LO or SubTran, which usually have Earth Power in their movepool. Scarftran does seem to be losing popularity, too.

About your Heatran Lead analysis, Heatrans usually are NOT scared off by Uxie Leads, so they would stay in and Stealth Rocks most of the time (you can never be sure though).

But this being a usual Cal team, there isn't much wrong with it. I've experienced the damn torment protect torment protect and it's annoying. I like how you made the Snorlax, though. Iron Plate Metagross is also something new to me :p
I have been thinking about EP Celebi (it's mega handy with Specs Bee), but it's like impossible to find a moveslot for it. I need literally every move on that set, especially Trick for playing stall/Crocune and friends. HP Fire is of course needed for reasons best known to my warstory :p

Explosion on Meta isn't something I particularly liked the idea of. I really do need that priority, especially if I just fail to get the KO (since the item is like different and all :p), and I really don't like putting Life Orb on sets that are designed to live through stuff. I've likened it in the chat before to putting LO on Snorlax or Vaporeon - it's just not something I'm willing to do. If it was a different EV spread I'd do that instantly, but I need Metagross as much for its sturdiness as for its offensive power here.If it wasn't for the Rock neutrality it would probably be Scizor here anyhow, since U-turn is <3

Oddly enough, Infernape isn't something that has overly bothered me atm. If CC is going to be a 2HKO on Vappy, unless it catches me on the switch there's still Wish/Protect... and after seeing ape stay in I'm definitely not letting it live long. Uxie's EV spread, helped in part by bacon, allows me to do 90% minimum with Psychic anyhow; if I still have my scarf then there's your revenge killer (Uxie normally has Thunderbolt to take on Gyarados). Infernape could be a problem if it's played really well, but most are that same generic LO thing that Vaporeon pretty much walks all over (when GK isn't broken ;p).

My own Heatran is NEVER the first thing I'd switch in on an opposing Tran... actually it's just about the last thing I'd switch in (only Meta is less likely to switch in :p). There's nothing on my Tran set to threaten other Tran's successfully unless THEY switch into ME. No, I'm 100 times more likely to turn out to Snorlax (or quite often Vaporeon) on it. As for the lead scenario, yeah, I figure that would probably happen. So it's the same as every other lead then! :D

Glad you liked the team :p
Lenny how many battles have you won agianst Cal? The few I have had were amazing. I lost but I didn't care I had fun. As long as I've played I could never come up with a team like this. I give a 10 to you Cal. Great team my friend.
I tested your team on a challenge match and i think it was amazing, however i think that celebi should be replaced with something more offensive as it doesn't have much defensive use never the less GREAT

i would also say that a curselax would be far more damaging than a normal leftovers one but your snorlax does provide good defencive cover, i guess its something you should test.
I actually found Celebi to have a lot of defensive use actually. 100/100/100 is naturally very bulky, even without much investment, and although it has a lot of weaknesses it carries some very useful resistances as well (Water/Electric/Ground for example). And of course, this Celebi can deal a lot more damage than a standard one thanks to having more investment there.

Curselax was something I was thinking of trying, but I couldn't see a way of putting it into this team without leaving myself wide open to something else. The advantage of the Snorlax I use at the moment is that it has four moves to perfectly counter anything that would stop Curselax if it has the wrong moves, which is great when people naturally expect you to be running a Curselax. Whilst the Curse set would deal more damage, it would also be much more restricted, and that's not something this team would like.

LRM, does it matter how many times Lenny has beaten me? His point is valid regardless... the fact is that I don't wish to use what he has said after consideration :p. Some of the ideas are GOOD, but either can't be fitted in or don't alter the team for the better IMO.

Thanks for the ideas people :)
Firstly, a few things I'd like to compliment you on before I get down to the suggestions:

I love the idea of iron plate on metagross. Although CB would ensure a KO on many things, since metagross isn't your main sweeper, the element of surprise will probably be more useful here. Nice idea :)

The other thing was the heatran set. Its absolutely genius, and again gives you the upper hand with the element of surprise. Nice work :)

Okay, so one thing I was thinking about was earth power on celebi? Perfect little revenge kill on heatran if you need it, but more importatnly its an infernape check if they switch it in on you. Being scarfed your alot faster than it, and I THINK it gets the OHKO.

I'm desperately searching for something else to say but it all looks perfect :( Good job :)
Lol, thanks for the compliment here :p

I really want EP on Celebi as well, but there's just no room for it :(. HP Fire is needed because Scizor switches in much more often than Infernape, and U-Turn is required because this Bee is fantastic at scouting and maintaining momentum for me. Trick was the entire point of that set in the first place, and Leaf Storm of course can't be replaced.

I'm glad you like the Iron Plate Meta idea lol. I just reckoned that most people would assume CB if I whale on things with Meteor Mash, and I've managed to net some surprise kills by following up with BP afterwards... especially if it gets the Atk bonus *shudders*
Since you already have u-turn on uxie though, is it also needed on celebi? Just something I was thinking about.
In a word, yes; I need to be able to see what the opponent wishes to switch in to Celebi the first time I bring it in, seeing as how there's no lefties on it. I can't predict the Scizor switch first-time and use HP Fire for example, as that's just begging to die to TTar. I can't afford NOT to see if they have a Pursuit user on the team before I make a move against it with that particular Celebi set...
Fridge said:
Since you already have u-turn on uxie though, is it also needed on celebi? Just something I was thinking about.

Two U-turns in a team like this would be much welcomed. U-turn allows extra switchings from the opponent while the stalling and pressure slowly sets in.
Not to mention that both turners are horrific Pursuit bait, and the turn on the move that the pursuiter switches is often saves their life.

The only thing I truly wanted on this team that I didn't manage to add was Spikes. This has led to two iterations of the team since then - both have failed to achieve the same level of consistency as this team. I think this is perhaps the most optimised that any of my teams have been lately, so... yeah, it's been really helpful to have around.
I don't see a Pokemon willing to sacrifice its place for a Spiker, to be honest. Everything is well-balanced out. One way is to add Forretress or Skarmory over Uxie, but that would leave only 1 Pokemon with U-turn to keep the momentum going. I think that this team should be what it is now.
Perhaps instead of Vaporeon you could use Umbreon as Umbreon has better defences however as your team does need vaporeon for extra type coverage it probably would work better. Your team is so perfect all i can do is reccamend some experiments lol
Shining Meganium, I think you should practice competitive play more before giving others advice. I don't mean to be harsh, but some of the suggestions you are making to this team are not very viable.

Cal, I don't even know if you still use this team, but I think I have an idea that can really improve it. Change Celebi to a standard, and make Metagross the Scarf-Tricker. This probably doesn't sound that big of a deal, but consider that Metagross lures in many of the things capable of beating Tormentran (Swampert, Gyarados). If you feel Blissey is the bigger threat to your team though, keep the Scarf Celebi and consider putting Explosion on your Metagross- again, Metagross lures in TormentTran counters, and as your have Iron Plate as your item just bluff a Choice Band and then explode on them out of the blue. Occa Berry could be better than Iron Plate so you can lure in and beat enemy Heatran.
A nice team! Although I'd replace Uxie for Forretress because it has better defenses while being a good Stealth Rocker and Spiker. and the bonus is that is can actually kill something with Explosion. Just follow the standard set on Forretress. EV spread, item, nature, and moves. All of it. Vaporeon, Snorlax, and Metagross are all pretty good althoguh they all have EV spread problems. (I'll explain in detail for each) Vaporeon 's moves and items are fine although I wouldn't have a Calm nature. I'd have a Bold nature and I'd recommend that you follow this EV spread: 188 Hp/252 Def./68 Spe. other then those 2 minor flaws, Vaporeon is fine. For Metagross, I'd replace BP (Bullet Punch) for Explosion. Follow this EV spread: 252 HP/236 Atk./12 Def./8 Speed. Also, replace its Iron Plate for a CB (Choice Band). Other then that Metagross is fine also. Lastly, for Snorlax, he's pretty good although I'd have it have an Adamant nature, and follow this EV spread: 4 HP/ 252 Atk. and Spe. Other then that Snorlax is fine. Heatran's perfect! For Celebi, follow the standard Smogon set which is this: other then all this, your team is fine. I'd rate your team 8.5/10. Nice going there!
OU Pokémon, I'm going to ask you nicely to stop rating teams until you learn to give GOOD advice.

None of what you said is helpful at all. Don't you think I, at the level I'm at, KNOW what standard sets for stuff are? THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND BOG STANDARD BS. My pokémon are custom-designed to fit MY playing style, and I WILL NOT change to standard rubbish without a very good reason to do so. Since you don't even apply reasoning in any of your posts... I have no inclination to follow anything you say.

Plus, you suggested SPEED on SNORLAX. Honestly.

If I followed ANYTHING you said there, the team would significantly worsen. You've not looked at ANYTHING to do with the synergy presented in the team whatsoever (you're telling me to remove all the tools that help Heatran just so that I can use standard sets? rofl), and looking at other rates I've criticised you for in the past, almost anything you say will significantly harm the user of the team rather than help. Please, do us all a favour and stop, before I take this further.
OU Pokemon said:
A nice team! Although I'd replace Uxie for Forretress because it has better defenses while being a good Stealth Rocker and Spiker. and the bonus is that is can actually kill something with Explosion. Just follow the standard set on Forretress. EV spread, item, nature, and moves. All of it. Vaporeon, Snorlax, and Metagross are all pretty good althoguh they all have EV spread problems. (I'll explain in detail for each) Vaporeon 's moves and items are fine although I wouldn't have a Calm nature. I'd have a Bold nature and I'd recommend that you follow this EV spread: 188 Hp/252 Def./68 Spe. other then those 2 minor flaws, Vaporeon is fine. For Metagross, I'd replace BP (Bullet Punch) for Explosion. Follow this EV spread: 252 HP/236 Atk./12 Def./8 Speed. Also, replace its Iron Plate for a CB (Choice Band). Other then that Metagross is fine also. Lastly, for Snorlax, he's pretty good although I'd have it have an Adamant nature, and follow this EV spread: 4 HP/ 252 Atk. and Spe. Other then that Snorlax is fine. Heatran's perfect! For Celebi, follow the standard Smogon set which is this: other then all this, your team is fine. I'd rate your team 8.5/10. Nice going there!

I find several things wrong with your argument.

1. While Foretress is a good defensive pokemon for Rocks and Spikes, it doesn't fit in with the rest of the team, IMO. Cal is looking for something specific in a lead for his team, and apparently Uxie fits the bill. Also don't tell Cal to use standard sets. He's too pro.

2. The point of Metagross is to FAKE a CB using BP and Meteor Mash. Switching for Explosion and a CB would be...stupid. Also Cal knows what BP stands for. -_-

3. ...252 speed evs...on a Snorlax...riiiiiight. Like that will help at all.

4. Cal uses specific EV spreads and movesets that fit his team. Using a standard Celebi set obviously doesn't work for the team.

5. You're telling gamercal, one of the best battlers going, to use standard sets. That's not cal's style. See point 4. Cal is too pro to use standard.
OU Pokemon said:
A nice team! Although I'd replace Uxie for Forretress because it has better defenses while being a good Stealth Rocker and Spiker. and the bonus is that is can actually kill something with Explosion. Just follow the standard set on Forretress. EV spread, item, nature, and moves. All of it.

To be honest, due to the team lacking a Rapid Spin blocker, Forretress would need to constantly come in to reset the entry hazards, if a Rapid Spinner is present. This team doesn't have the time for that, as it has to constantly make good switch-ins and keep the momentum going. Stealth Rock from Uxie is good enough, taking down Pokemon slowly.

Uxie and Forretress are miles apart in terms of defenses. Uxie loses out in Defense, having 130 comparing with Forretress having 140. However, Uxie has more Speed and Special Defense, giving Uxie a lot more balance defense wise.

Forretress lacks two vital moves that Uxie is running - U-turn and Trick, both giving positive results, since Trick can screw some leads over, while U-turn, as mentioned, allows more strategic switch-ins depending on the situation.

OU Pokemon said:
Vaporeon 's moves and items are fine although I wouldn't have a Calm nature. I'd have a Bold nature and I'd recommend that you follow this EV spread: 188 Hp/252 Def./68 Spe. other then those 2 minor flaws, Vaporeon is fine.

The EV Spread that 'cal is currently running is custom, suiting the needs that HE would want on Vappy. If it's useful for him, what can we say? Calm Nature, as a guess, allows Vappy to still get a boost in its Special Defense, balancing out the 252 Defense EVs.

OU Pokemon said:
For Metagross, I'd replace BP (Bullet Punch) for Explosion. Follow this EV spread: 252 HP/236 Atk./12 Def./8 Speed. Also, replace its Iron Plate for a CB (Choice Band). Other then that Metagross is fine also.

Again, it's not really a custom EV spread, but it works for 'cal. As for the item problem, let me refer you to this:

"Since I have two Steel moves, I decided to fake a CB set and run Iron Plate instead. It still gives the impression of a CB set, but the key thing is that it allows me to finish things off with Bullet Punch much more easily. " - gamercal

The idea is to be a con artist, making oppositions believe that a Banded-Gross is used when instead it can take down Pokemon that switch into Metagross, assuming they can get a set-up in.

OU Pokemon said:
Lastly, for Snorlax, he's pretty good although I'd have it have an Adamant nature, and follow this EV spread: 4 HP/ 252 Atk. and Spe. Other then that Snorlax is fine. Heatran's perfect! For Celebi, follow the standard Smogon set which is this: other then all this, your team is fine. I'd rate your team 8.5/10. Nice going there!

Snorlax has a more balanced spread of EV boosts in his spread. Speed for Snorlax? Are you sure you're alright? 30 Speed reaches 159 Speed. ZOMG, IT'S GOING TO OUTSPEED CHOICE SCARF NINJASK! No, Snorlax should always put emphasis onto its bulkiness, and then inflict damage when it can.

Celebi is very custom, having a similar role as Uxie, but instead, keeps the momentum going and again, sweep when possible.
It has been brought to my attention that Sam already forbid you from rating teams anyhow OU Pokemon. If I see you giving out advice like THIS again to someone in this forum, I won't hesitate to take action as I see fit. You need to get it through your head that standards are not the one and only way to go in pokémon, and until you learn that and adjust your opinions accordingly I will not tolerate your input on this forum.

I thank the two of you (TFO and AEX) for your input to further rest my case.