Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood


The Answer To All Is Q
Alright peoples, the show has been on adult swim (saturday nights) for the past month or so. What's your opinion on this new series. How do you like it compared to the original FMA?

Me personally, I loved the original series, but got lost half way through it. So far it is quite interesting how they're going through the storyline now. Especially with Scar and Shou Tuckers fate in episode 4 compared to the original series.
I've been meaning to watch Brotherhood. I like the manga like a bajillion times more than the original anime, so every tells me I should watch Brotherhood but I never have tiiiiiiiime
Zenith said:
I've been meaning to watch Brotherhood. I like the manga like a bajillion times more than the original anime, so every tells me I should watch Brotherhood but I never have tiiiiiiiime

Ya I've been like that. I finally had time yesterday and watched the first 3 episodes on youtube, since I saw the 4th one on TV.
I've seen it in Japanese....& I think it's ok (not as good as the orignal one).
I've met the VA's of: Ed, Armstrong, the one who sounds like Krillin (from DBZ).

Edit: I've got the manga (CY Manga/Madman version only) up to date.
I will admit, episode 4 did "Blow my mind". But, I only watched the english dub. It's interesting catching all of the little hints at other episodes. I don't really care for the opening song. There's a reason that Ready Steady Go is in the version of Elite Beat Agents we never got.
See, personally I actually enjoy the opening theme to the show. And only english dub I've seen was episode 4, but episodes 1-6 I've seen the japanese ones. Interesting to see the differences in the wording in the japanese and english dub.....and I just gotta say nice to the "blow my mind" part there. Scar FTW
I haven't even bothered to watch it yet. Even though I need to. I have a love for the 2nd Opening Hologram.

But I personally rather watch the JP version.​
I haven't had time to catch all of what they've aired on Adult Swim (I guess I could always check their site / Youtube for the episodes), but the two episodes I have seen have left me a little intrigued by the art style. It almost seems more loose? I'm not really sure how to describe it. It feels different than the style used in the first series. They still vary the drawing style depending on the mood (for example, funny moments are drawn very loosely for a comedic/silly effect), which is something I loved about the art style in the first series, so I'm glad that stuck. But long scenes (normally talking scenes) seem to have a less strict approach - the characters seem to be drawn with less detail, I think? There are moments where it looks like the old style, though.

I haven't read the manga, but perhaps it's closer to the style they used in that? I'm probably just looking too far into it without having watched many episodes.

Anyway, I hope to catch more of the series. My brother and I loved the first series, and I can't really think of a way they could mess this one up enough for me to dislike it.
They've only aired up to episode 4 on adult swim thus far. Episode 5 will be this upcoming saturday
Personaly, I like the verson with Vic better than the russian one. That being said, they are both great song. And did anyone else get the refrences to the other openings in the first Brotherhood ending?
Hate to say it, since I was looking forward to it, but it sucks. They're plain rushing it... Gone through about 10 episodes' worth of the previous anime in only three episodes of this run. While I understand that they've "done it before", and want to get to a point where they're on a new path, the fact they're rushing it is just really bad and makes me want to not watch.
Redstar said:
Hate to say it, since I was looking forward to it, but it sucks. They're plain rushing it... Gone through about 10 episodes' worth of the previous anime in only three episodes of this run. While I understand that they've "done it before", and want to get to a point where they're on a new path, the fact they're rushing it is just really bad and makes me want to not watch.

What they're really doing is knocking out all the filler. Thats all they're doing.
PheonyxXx said:
What they're really doing is knocking out all the filler. Thats all they're doing.
Zenith said:
Yes, Brotherhood is at the pace of the manga rather than the anime.
I've read the manga and vastly prefer it to the original anime, and I can say that this has nothing to do with filler. The original anime had absolutely zero filler, if by "filler" you mean extended animation per episode to stretch out time (ala Neon Genesis Evangelion and five minutes of cicada chirping over a still shot) or a complete episode with no bearing on the plot (such as Naruto and the random sidequests).

The only actual instances in the original anime that I can perceive as possible filler are the few episodes with story not based on the manga (such as the Barry the Chopper backstory episode or the "cat burglar" episode homaging Lupin III), but the majority of those episodes actually had character development that carried on into the actual arc of the show, so they aren't fully filler by either of the above definitions.

No, what I mean is that events that took a fair amount of time to respectfully tell their story with emotion are now done in roughly a third of the time, and in doing so much of the impact is lost. The original anime did a great job at pacing the story at the beginning, but this new rendition feels like how the original anime rushed the end. Except they're doing it from the beginning. And that's terrible.
Well, I've requested for a v2 of my FMA club.
I hope that everyone who likes FMA/FMA-2 will join once it's appoved :D