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Full Metal Jacket (Cobalion EX / Dialga EX / Bronzong)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokémon (12):

  • 3 Cobalion EX (beatdown)
    3 Dialga EX (beatdown)
    3 Bronzong (disabler)
    3 Bronzor (evolution)

Trainers (36):

  • 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    2 Colress (draw)
    3 Skyla (search)
    4 N (draw)
    2 Surprise Megaphone (discard)
    2 Battle Compressor (discard)
    1 Computer Search (search)
    4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    2 Escape Rope (switch)
    3 VS Seeker (retrieval)
    4 Ultra Ball (search)
    3 Steel Shelter (status denial)

Energy (12):

  • 3 Double Colorless Energy
    9 Metal Energy


Go first and start with Cobalion EX. Bench Bronzor and search for a second one. Thin the deck with Battle Compressor and start to attack with Cobalion EX, who also acts as your counter to Safe Guarders and Pyroar. Evolve to Bronzor and start to accelerate. Use Escape Rope to switch back to the bench to refuel the main attackers. This also allows the deck to circumvent Wobbuffet locks. Trainers have been chosen to draw and search out needed cards and to boost attacks.
The problem with that is cobalion is going to be hitting all the special energies off. Being that he is 3 of in this deck, theres a good chance he will start with one.

I think that you may want to give pokemon fanclub a slot or 2. Having that in your deck is pretty great for getting out the bronzor.
Ivy_Profen said:
The problem with that is cobalion is going to be hitting all the special energies off. Being that he is 3 of in this deck, theres a good chance he will start with one.

I think that you may want to give pokemon fanclub a slot or 2. Having that in your deck is pretty great for getting out the bronzor.
I agree on the Cobalion/Aegislash thing, but 2 Fan Club would create a "Supporter clash" problem, and Skyla is less situational anyways.

You currently have 6 attackers and they are all EX, so you may want to include a 7th prize non-EX, unless you plan on sacrificing a Bronzor every game. As for what kind of attacker, I feel Dedenne or Zekrom would do well because I played Yveltal against quite a few Metal decks online, and the Dialgas aren't too hard too knock out. It did force me to attach 4 energy or something though, which Dedenne can take advantage of.

Maybe +1 Dedenne/Zekrom, -1 VS Seeker/Ultra Ball/Megaphone

Oh and I like the deck name :)
I think that you might want to add a few more steel energy as most of the time you will have at least one energy on Cobalion, and 3 on Dialga if you don't get the DCE, which means that you will only have 5 energy to go from, and some might be in your prizes or deep in your deck. I would suggest upping the count by 1 or 2, and getting rid of an ultra ball and VS Seeker.

Another card I would think of is AZ as it does the same thing as SSU, but all the energy go into the discard which can be useful for Bronzong if you just need one more energy on a bench pokemon for its' attack.