Fun game: Make a deck with ______


<3 Flariados
Okay, here's the fun idea: It's a bit like CotD, but you have to make a deck out of or including the card that is chosen. Oh, and it won't be daily. To kick things off, let's start with


Cool, here's an example of what you could make:


4-2-4 Pidgeot SW
2-2 Weavile SW
1-1 Darkrai Lv X
1 Azelf LA
2-2 Claydol


4 Rare Candy
4 Roseanne's Research
4 Bebe's Search
2 Warp Point
2 Premier ball
2 Night Maintenance
4 Poke Radar
3 Professor Oak's Visit


14 Basic darkness

Startegy: Weavile makes Pidgeot darkness and Darkrai gives Pidgeot 10 extra damage for each darkness energy attached to Pidgeot (so basically an extra 20 damage). Mirror Move is really good, and it's funny returning the damage that was dealt to you +20. Whirlwind 2HKO's basically anything and with nice disruption.

Go on and have a try!
I'm dunno with weaville, I means his retreat cost already 0 so there's one less advantage for him to be dark.
This pokemon's outdated, his whirlwind really good but just outclassed by yanmega(have same effect but energyless and it's spread)
I like his 0 retreat cost and second attack though but never made deck with him.Here's my first try:

Moonlight Silver Bird

3-2-3 Pidgeot SW
1-0-1 Dusknoir DP(limit your opponent bench, excellent synergy with whirlwind too)
2-2 Mothim SW(back up pokemon with 0 energy cost and good energyless attack)
1-1 Cresselia lv.x
1 Azelf LA
1-1 Claydol(draw power)
1 pachirisu(searchable call for family)


4 rare candy
2 moonlight stadium(this deck have some psychic and for counter other stadium)
2 night maintenance
2 warp point
4 plus power(yes, 130 damage moon skip is possible=p)
4 Roseanne
4 Bebe's search
2 Felicity's drawing

energy: 14

4 multi energy
8 psychic energy
2 grass energy

This article just give me new idea for my next deck=p
4-2-4 Pidgeot SW
2-2 Claydol
2-2 Cresselia X
1 Chatot
4 Bebe
3 Roseanne
4 Cynthia
4 Candy
4 PP
2 NM
2 Warp Point
4 Call
6 Psychic
4 Fighing

Strategy is to Whriwind everything and then move damages with Cresselia X, fun sin't it?
I don't like this pokemon, there's many better choice than use him in metal deck because he's so slow but here goes.

2-1-2-1 Magnezone lv.x(electric trans and give 0 retreat cost to other pokemon that have metal on it)
1-1 Probopass LA(A tech to stall, spread to opponent's bench and when your opponent weakness is fighting)
2-2 Electrivire SW(get electric from discard pile)
2-2 Raichu MT(electromagnetic induction to get electric from deck)
1 Chatot MD(hand refresher)
2-2 Claydol(draw engine)

2 rare candy
1 premier ball
2 warp point(back up if you're failed to set up magnezone lv.x)
2 lake boundary
2 night maintenance
4 roseanne
4 bebe's search

6 metal
1 fighting
13 electric
Here goes:


2 Eevee MD
2 Leafeon #5
1 Leafeon Lv X
4 Nosepass
4 Probopass
1 Azelf
2 Baltoy
2 Claydol
4 Jirachi


4 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
4 Poke Radar
3 Warp Point
1 Premier Ball
2 Night Maintenance
4 TM-TS1


4 Multi
4 Fighting energy
4 Special Metal
4 Basic Metal

Force energies onto Probopass, who spreads majorly.
I've been going through ALL my cards trying to see what to run with Darkrai since the new format doesn't allow for my pwnage WigglyRai. And I took a good few minutes to study pidgeot because for some reason, I REALLY want to run it. Free retreat, low energy costs, high HP, and I tried it out with Darkrai but it's just not as effective. They really don't do anything for each other. The attacks have low cost yes, but they're not really... like.. BAM. You know?

Basically, you can run any pokemon that takes colorless energy and put em in a deck with Weavile/Rai, but that doesn't mean it'll own. Test out Pidgeot in another deck, and lmk what you come up with lol.

I might actually try Regigas. Regi/Rai/Weavile + Snowpoint. YAY.