@parmcat those prices are a bit out of date, would $14 shipped be okay? I apologize if you hoped for the $4 price still, but I could sell to a bulk list and get $4.50 each so I simply cannot do that.
I´m from Germany and need these cards from you:
3x FA Zekrom (I would prefer grey ones, but if you have none, black ones are fine,too)
3x Shaymin UL
2x Dual Ball
2x Seeker
1x Revive
3x Prof. Juniper
2x Switch
3x Junk Arm
2x Pokemon Communication
2x Energy Retrieval
4x Prof. Oak´s New Theory
3x Super Scoop Up
3x Pluspower
Also I would need 2-3 Catcher, 2 Tornadus (FA or normal) and 3 Pachirisu CoL. If you have some of them, pls let me know..
So far the price for those cards would be 85,75 $ unshipped. Right?
Please send me a message, if you have all those cards available and if you could offer me a special price as I´m going to buy that much cards... =)
@LittleBigShaymin yes it would be $85.75, but no I could not offer a special price. Zekrom and Shaymin are already at fairly competitive prices and are most of the price.