Funniest songs

Here is a pokemon version of best friends:
If you mean funny, as INCREDIBLY bad, so bad you wanna wet ur pantsand then rofl, then lets see...
Any Jonas Bros
Lady Gaga Poker Face
Any Mily Cyrus
Soulja Boy
Flo Rida Low
Morbid Angel, Necrophagist, and any other Death Metal (Sounds like the singers trying to puke but just cant and is being ampd lol)
Boom Boom Pow (Gotta Get That THIS SONG SUX!!!)
Essentially any itunes top 10 + death metal

But for songs that make you laugh cuz there remotely funny

Baseball/Football George Carlin
Eat It Weird Al
D*** in a Box Lonely Island (Lol idk if that word is allowed but im playin it safe lol)

Type Mean Kitty Song in Youtube, it's hilarious if you haven't heard it yet. :D
Noobnerd is right, Weirl Al's parodies are down-right hilarious. My favorites are "e-bay", "Livin' in the Fridge", "Eat It", and "Fat". Another funny song is "The Ferret Song", but it has some.... not appropriate words. ("The Ferret Song" was not written by Weird Al)