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Furious Fist (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokémon (10):

  • 3 Landorus EX (beatdown)
    3 Lucario EX (beatdown)
    2 Hawlucha (beatdown)
    2 Landorus (beatdown)

Trainer (39):

  • 1 Lysandre's Trump Card (retrieve)
    4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
    4 Korrina (search)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    4 N (draw)
    1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
    2 Enhanced Hammer (discard)
    4 Crushing Hammer (discard)
    1 Computer Search (search)
    4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    2 Escape Rope (disable)
    3 VS Seeker (retrieve)
    2 Focus Sash (enable)
    2 Max Potion (heal)
    3 Fighting Stadium (beatdown)

Energy (11):

  • 7 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy


The deck is centered around fast beatdown. Start second with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Use the trainers to slow down the opponent and start to hit hard from the first turn on. With Lucario Ex the deck can burn down the hand with ease and use Last Resort to reshuffle the damage modifiers and discard trainers back into the deck. For this reason there is no need to hesitate to use them even on cannon balls such as Hawlucha. Since the deck can retrieve lost resources and draw with Lucario Ex it can continue to hit hard and slow the other side down with energy discard items. With the focus on discard items it is vulnerable to item locks but the attackers should be able to take down Seismitoad Ex in time on their own. The deck is also weak to Pyroar basics lock and should therefore not be used in case one assumes that deck to be popular in the local environment.
Cool deck idea. I've been playing around with Fighting decks as of late, as well, especially now that some of the Furious Fist hype has worn off.

You mentioned in your post that item lock could be a problem given the fact that your energy removal was all item based. I was thinking, given Lucario's ability to refresh the hand, why not play some Supporters that disrupt and discard energy? Also, maybe switch one of the Max Potion with an AZ (harder to search for, but useful as a Switch/Max Potion, especially under item lock).

I think the Focus Sash's are extremely interesting. I honestly prefer to use Lucario EX over Landorus EX (better second attack, hand refresh, don't have to discard to hit big numbers, etc) but the Psychic weakness is such a liability when everyone runs a Mewtwo EX. Focus Slash takes away the OHKO. Pretty brilliant, given that Strong Energy and Fighting Stadium lessen the reliance on Muscle Band.

I know Mega Evolving without a Spirit Link is, like, the worst thing anyone could ever do in the history of Pokemon (/sarcasm) but I think running one M Lucario EX is totally reasonable. It's a bit of a dead card in a lot of matchups, but it absolutely runs through things once it gets setup, and it takes away the auto-loss against Pyroar. It's pretty useful against Yveltal too because it's near impossible to OHKO and with all the damage modifiers it makes it's Fighting resistance less of a big deal.

Whoa, this post has gotten long, sorry. Last thing. Baby Lando is great for energy recycling, but near useless against Safeguard (which is a big part of his job) given that he's weak to water (Suicune). I much prefer Terrakion, who mixes up your weaknesses and is a more versatile attacker. Maybe one of each.
Hi totodile_it_down,

Thanks for the review. Like the idea to run one supporter that discards. Would consider to remove one Enhanced Hammer for Flare Grunt. Not sure on Mega Lucario since he is much less versatile than Lucario himself. The idea for this deck started from Seismitoad decks that revolve around hammers and I looked for óther cards that could abuse recycled Hammers with Lysandre's Last Resort. Lucario seemed like a natural choice since he can refill the hand and benefits from tactics that tend to burn the hand down. Terrakion could be nice but the four retreat cost hurt. That is the only reason I tend to shy away from that card.
Dark Espeon said:
Hi totodile_it_down,

Thanks for the review. Like the idea to run one supporter that discards. Would consider to remove one Enhanced Hammer for Flare Grunt. Not sure on Mega Lucario since he is much less versatile than Lucario himself. The idea for this deck started from Seismitoad decks that revolve around hammers and I looked for óther cards that could abuse recycled Hammers with Lysandre's Last Resort. Lucario seemed like a natural choice since he can refill the hand and benefits from tactics that tend to burn the hand down. Terrakion could be nice but the four retreat cost hurt. That is the only reason I tend to shy away from that card.

I totally understand where you're coming from. Given Pyroar's lack of popularity right now you're probably safe, but if you began to see more of him in the near future I think M Lucario EX is an easy addition that wouldn't effect consistency. As for Terrakion's retreat cost, the Escape Rope should help with that, and otherwise it's just one prize to lose should he be stranded. I fear that one simple Suicune could really bring this deck to it's powerful knees. Best of luck in finding the perfect formula!