Blob55 said:professorlight said:Because fans would have raised hell, and they needed to pull something to boost 3ds sales. Also as a test of how the 3ds/pokemon combination behaves in a large scale.
No, I mean they could of just said it would come out in December right away. I'm not talking about a 2 month delay.
catutie said:I do think I was considerably rushed, I mean sure they started making it after BW but that doesn't mean anything. They had 600+ Pokemon models to make from scratch, redo all the cries for those models, then redesign the overworld COMPLETELY, not to mention the other things like battle animations, music, wireless, wifi, besides the concept and creature design they threw everything out and started over.
Don't forget the new menu sprites, the animations for PokéMonAmi (The battle animations tend to use the old Stadium/PBR ones) and the customizations + pictures of your profile.
Ehhhh maybe but the do have some differences. Even so the last game like that was PBR or what ever mystery Wii U title we saw a while ago but still they would have had to do the same with all the gen 5 Pokemon and gen 6.
Speaking of Pokemon Amie or what ever, I don't like it. Why can't we go back to contests? Those were fun, all of this stuff they keep trying beer sticks and usually sucks.