I hope they didn't cut Adventurers' Discovery...
^If so, hoping it's not secret-rare only, or worse, a worlds 2022 top 32 promo, or even a Jap-exclusive card. If so, I guess TPCi both doesn't want easy retrieval of v-unions or other pokemon-Vs thinking that it makes game too easy, AND refuses to publicly ban AD in order to prevent mystery backlash, meaning they could be making AD as hard to pull and/or find as possible without stating their motive to the public... I hope that admission is not showing, and I hope that the tcg fans are not THAT picky... If fans threaten to stop playing TCG if a card like Compressor is banned from Expanded, OR if they believe the game is fast enough and that if AD is localized, there will be no format available to them that suits their fancy that doesn't involve a "cheat card" such as AD, a card which they think will accelerate the power creep that they somehow dislike, although I hope, and believe, that such isn't really true, and that there's no such fear factor of any kind standing on the way of AD's localization, if they don't come clean regarding AD in the event of AD being the one card cut from this set...
^ I believe AD is not a broken card for today's format. If one uses it, you can always marnie away... So why wait to get it out there? This set is the perfect set for that card. So is Gengar Vmax, among other examples that make up a record set like this after secret rares...