G-chomp Lv.X (did it come out in Secret Wonders?)

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I pwn noobz
Just wanna know, because it's kind of weird that out of about 10 boxes opened there is only a rumor of one being pulled. If so, G-chomp Lv.X is an Omega Secret rare.
Draekfist said:
If G-chomp isn't in this set then it's just a filler set :(

Yes, this set (the one with dozens of hightly anticipated cards such as Gallade, Magmortar, Electivire, Blastoise, and TGM) is a filler.
I found that G-chomp Lv.X is definetly not in this set. I googled it and there is not one peice of Info showing that it is in Secret Wonders. If it was then out of over 5 pre-releases, at least 5 would be pulled. TGW was one per 6 boxes, therefore G-chomp Lv.X would be found at prereleases that opened clearly over 10 boxes. I'm afraid that G-chomp is yet to be released.
Water Pokemon Master said:
A third Level X like Garchomp could possibly be a secret rare (#133/132), especially since it was expected to be in this set, but we'll just have to wait and see... POP may make Garchomp into a POP promo instead. The name of the set is Secret Wonders after all, so there could be some secret rares!
i saw no secret rares today and im guessing that the same has happened everywhere else too. We only have 2 Lv X in this set but in our dp4 we will have 6 and maybe 7 if they do add in garchomp.
I'm betting on it going to be in Pop 7. I'll find out today though. Todays my prerelease!!!!!!(if your going to the Nashville prerelease PM me!!!!!)
Almost half of the good cards in the set are in theme decks, and we get only 2 Lv.X !
Why should I go to a prerelease?

Garchomp Lv.X doesn't exist.
i think it is going to be in a future set because i've looked at all of the set lists and it isn't in any of them.
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