Galactic Conquest


can't think of what to say...
Who here thinks what the best card in Galactic Conquest. I think it is either Girantina Lv.X (Lost Zone And Spread), Ninetales Lv.43 (Instant power up for Infertran/Magtran), Beautifly (Maximum status effect and Damage), Blastoise Lv.60 (WELL-DIGGING), Ampharos Lv.57 (Damage Bind Rocks!), Drapion Lv.x (Triple Poison! Three times the pain!) Or Delcatty Lv.53 (Combine with Blastoise and Rule!)
Gardevoir <3
And otherwise...hmm, tough choice. There are a LOT of goodies in that set. But I'd say Handsome's Investigation. Best Draw/Disruption since Rocket's Admin.
The Gardevoir seem alot like the power keepers one, With energy burst and all. Handsomes is great to, along with time-space tear. You can finally evolve pokemon on your first turn! Hurray!
Tear is already the most overrated card in GC. Spoiler: noone will use it. I never felt the need to evolve my Pokes faster anyway, only in T2 Banette (which had Shuppet CG doing that) and Bellawesome (which now has Torterra SF, searching AND evolving them.) Why? Because they still need the energy, often more than 1. So yes, very useless, and no, it won't replace Candy.
The best card imo is the whole G package since you can play a bit of everything and have a different battle every time. You just have so many decks in one, it's not even funny anymore.
Meh, I'll list the cards I like best anyway. Cyrus's Scheme, Team Galactic's Base, Energy Gain.
Side note: I just realised how much of a hassle it's going to be to write the Team Galactic's Inventions on my deck lists for tournaments. And I thought Pokedex handy910 was bad...
I like the ninetails, the first attack is nice the second combined with a good sucked at coin fliping just awsome!
Also I like Blazike, since it works quit nice with Heatran Lv. X.
I love the Banette, it's great! You just switch damage. It's like killing you opponent with his own attacks!
The most broken card in the set is Giratina Lv. X! The Pokepower is quit nice, but the attack?! It's a overkill! You can kill the opponent completly, combined with Dusknoir lv. X it's like heaven or hell! (It depends if your the owner of the Lv X cards :p)
Zangoose is quit nice to stop decks which are depending on special conditions since it can't be effected.

So my favourites are:

Giratina Lv X
Dustox for most underrated card in GC!

Aside from that I personally like the looks of Toxicroak Skuntank and Power Spray. All three are fairly decent cards and work fairly well together.
The cards that I see are going to be used most are Delcatty and Blastoise. Delcatty and Octillery are pretty potent as well.
I'd have to say rampardos or mightyena.
-Rampardos can hit for 80 with 1 energy. Awesomeness. Knocking out things too often? Say hello to leftovers and pokehealer+.
-When played with skuntank G and a stadium, mightyena can hit for 80 with no energy, pretty much a OHKO or 2HKO on most pokemon. The poison from skuntank G also helps to slowly damage anything with a high retreat or pokemon that are almost knocked out after mightyena's attack.
Machamp hits just as hard if not harder than Rampardos without recoil. Machamp has a Lv.X to help with the heavier KO's, and Machamp has a better second attack that can take out the Pokemon that survive his first attack. Both are potent but I would say Machamp has an overall better chance of taking the win. Not only that but Machamp can make use of both Great Ball and Quick Ball, Rampardos can't.

I do have to say that Mightyena has a great look to it. You would need to be careful with your playing and take the time to think about every move though.

Another one of my favorite combos of the set, and possibly the Rogue deck that will have the most cities wins is Octillery+Ariados+Dugtrio. Octillery uses Octazooka and gives your opponent only a 50% chance of hitting at all times. Ariados and Dugtrio punish your opponent for retreating and stops your opponent from getting out of the lock easily. Another way out of the lock is evolving. Therefore playing Team Galactics Base, after you are done evolving you pokemon on T2 can punish them there too.
I was studying cards last night, and your right. It would be painful. Octillery+Delcatty could be seriously painful. A possible 100 damage for no energy! Now if they could only fix the flippiness of it.
You guys don't even mention Vulpix's PWNing setup move that practically mimics a Felicity's. Ninetails <3

Rampardos is fast, no doubt about that. There is a possibility of a T1 donk, and they only need 1-2 energies to deal horrible damage.
Beautifly's second attack just...evil especially with sceptile GE in your bench. Not to mention he have cheap attack and free retreat cost.
Rampardos have great potential, finally fossil can shine.
Zangoose is good too with his gust of wind attack.
Almost forgot it, Ampharos GC. With so many easy ways to get damage (Ampharos SW, Pokeblower, Crobat G are all notable in the way that they don't waste attacks) on Benched Pokes, enjoy your setup deck without setup.
And then your opponent will say LOLMANECTRIC! to your Ampharos. Dialga would still pose a problem, but a deck running Ampharos AND Dialga G X will find problems in fitting in a good potent stable attacker line.
I though of Palkia Lv. X from the set with a Pokemon that fill up the bench of you opponent and removes every turn 1 of his pokemon. (Does this count as knock out?)