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Galactic Toolbox


Aspiring Trainer
This is my first post...so here goes nothing :p

Pkm: 20
Weavile G (Pl) x4
Honchkrow G (Pl) x2
Skuntank G (Pl) x2
Crobat G (Pl) x2
Bronzong G (Pl) x1
Toxicroak G (Pl) x2
Dialga G (Pl) x2
Dialga G Lv. X (Pl) x2
Lucario GL (RR) x1
Uxie (LA) x2

Trainer: 28
Looker's Investigation (Pl) x2
Cyrus's Conspiracy (Pl) x4
G-101 Energy Gain (Pl) x4
G-103 Power Spray (Pl) x4
G-105 PokeTurn (Pl) x4
Expert Belt (AoA) x2
Galactic HQ (Pl) x2
Warp Point (MD) x2
G-109 SP Radar (RR) x2
Pokemon Collector (HGSS) x2

Energy: 12
4 Special {D}
4 {P}
2 {M}
2 {D}

Any suggestions on how to improve this deck are welcome. Thanks :D
Interesting idea. I haven't seen one of these since Platinum came out. There are just some mild changes that you can make to trim some of the fat here. 2 Bronzong G is not good. You'll only need to use one to move Energy around, and you don't want to start with it. 4 Expert Belt is also too much. You'll only need a max of two since SP Pokemon are frail, and you don't want to give up too many Prizes. PlusPower is also not needed that much since you can't search it out. Crobat G is good enough for damage. Those are seven spots right there for four Cyrus's Conspiracy, 2 Uxie LA, and another Power Spray. Cyrus is needed for all SP decks and Uxie is needed in every deck for needed drawpower. More Sprays can never hurt as well. I would also change the 4 SP Energy for 2 Basic Metal Energies and 2 Basic Dark Energies since they're searchable. Lastly, I would consider changing Department Store Girl for two Pokemon Collector. You can never have too much Pokemon Search, especially if you don't start with Weavile G.

dmaster out.
Thanks a lot :D. I completely forgot about Uxie until you mentioned it. I thought about changing the amount of expert belts because, like you said, SP pokemon are frail. I'm going to put in the changes that you suggested and test it out.