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Gallade / Gardevoir


Aspiring Trainer
Gallade / Gardevoir Psychic Deck


  • 4 Ralts PLS
    1 Kirlia LTR
    2 Gardevoir NXD
    2 Gallade PLS
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Gengar EX
    1 M Gengar EX
    2 Sigilyph LTR
    14 cards total

  • 4 Rare Candy
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Evosoda
    4 Enhanced Hammer
    3 VS Seeker
    1 Full Heal
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Computer Search
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Skyla
    3 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Dimension Valley
    1 Gengar Spirit Link
    2 Lysandre
    35 cards total

  • 8 Psychic Energy
    3 Mystery Energy
    11 cards total


You need to stall really hard, Ralts can paralyze for 1 energy unless Dimension Valley is in play then no energy is required. Gardevoir can power Gallade also Gengar, Mewtwo and Sigilyph.

Main attackers: Gallade attacks with powerful storm. With Gardevoir in play; 3 energies in play = 120 Damage; 5+ energies in play = 200+ damage
Scenario attackers: Sigilyph, Mewtwo, Mega or Gengar EX

1# Dimensionn valley plus Gardevoir can make 3 energy based attacks into 1 energy attacks.(Psychic, Dark Corridor, Psydrive, Phantom Gate, Swift Lunge)
2# Mystery Energy on Sigilyph then retreat to Gengar EX use Dark Corridor then switch back to Sigilyph.
3# Tiptoe step to get the extra card when Kirlia in play.
4# Stack energies on Mewtwo while Gallade is in active and Gardervoir in bench.
5# Lysandre to FINISH THEM
6# Spirit Link with Evosoda when Gengar EX in play can summon Mega Gengar fast!

Additional cards: Just ideas
1x Wobbufett - PHS ( Bide Barrier ) Good counter against opponents abilities LIKE DELUGE
1x Celebi EX - BCR ( Time Recall ) Can use pre-evolution attacks. M Gengar EX using Dark Corridor
1x Mr. MIme - PLD ( Bence Barrier ) Protects Bench

1# counters Blastoise/Black Kyurem Deck
2# counters Plasma Decks
3# N
4# Lysandre
5# Anti Champion Deck

1# Psychic types
2# anti anti counter Decks
3# inconsistency
4# Hand with no supporters sometimes

Tell me what should be in or what not to be in. Do not include Primal Clash sets or any cards before 2012
Any opinions are much appreciated

Contact me on [email protected]
I built this deck a little while ago after reading about the idea. My primary goal was using M-Gengar EX with one energy, so I have:

3x Gengar EX
2x M-Gengar EX
2x Mewtwo EX

Plus the Gardevoir/Gallade line and I think just one Sigilyph. I haven't tried Mystery energy yet, opting for float stones instead since Gengar wants to be mobile as it is. I also included a couple DCE in case mewtwo needs to hold down the fort while I set up gardevoir/gallade.

I've also got 4 copies of Dimension Valley, since I thought it would be critical. In the online game, I've been frequently matched up against other psychic decks who want to play it for me, so maybe 4 isn't necessary. By the way, the psychic matchup is pretty good with multiple gengars: he's not weak to psychic and he helps you to switch into a disposable shield pokemon so you can obliterate the attacking psychic.

Really, really fun deck though.
gromitxt said:
I built this deck a little while ago after reading about the idea. My primary goal was using M-Gengar EX with one energy, so I have:

3x Gengar EX
2x M-Gengar EX
2x Mewtwo EX

Plus the Gardevoir/Gallade line and I think just one Sigilyph. I haven't tried Mystery energy yet, opting for float stones instead since Gengar wants to be mobile as it is. I also included a couple DCE in case mewtwo needs to hold down the fort while I set up gardevoir/gallade.

I've also got 4 copies of Dimension Valley, since I thought it would be critical. In the online game, I've been frequently matched up against other psychic decks who want to play it for me, so maybe 4 isn't necessary. By the way, the psychic matchup is pretty good with multiple gengars: he's not weak to psychic and he helps you to switch into a disposable shield pokemon so you can obliterate the attacking psychic.

Really, really fun deck though.

I like your idea, although since Enhance Hammers, Tool scrappers, and item lock are its biggest weakness My goal is make the deck competitive for an upcoming friendly tournament. Since I only have one copy of M-Gengar EX and Gengar-EX.

I would like to know if you can find an alternate fill-ins for these slots. Also I replaced Full Heal and Pokemon Center Lady with Max potions. This is because any pokemon can hit pretty hard with two or less energy on it. While Gardevoir is in play you can retreat or Max potion a pokemon that has one energy then replace it and attack for a guaranteed KO.
I wouldn't say you need alternates to replace them - I think your pokemon list looks pretty good. I've been playing with Gallade as more of an afterthought whereas it'll be a more important attacker in your deck. With that in mind:

+1 Skyla - to get rare candy, ultra ball, hammer, dimension valley, full heal
+1 Dimension Valley - pretty key to your strategy

-1 Rare Candy - I just rarely use 4
-1 Evosoda - with 4/1/4, I'm not sure it's worth the space

I'd also consider losing one or even two enhanced hammers for a crushing hammer and/or a xerosic. 3 VS seeker also seems a bit heavy to me, but that's more of a preference.
gromitxt said:
I wouldn't say you need alternates to replace them - I think your pokemon list looks pretty good. I've been playing with Gallade as more of an afterthought whereas it'll be a more important attacker in your deck. With that in mind:

+1 Skyla - to get rare candy, ultra ball, hammer, dimension valley, full heal
+1 Dimension Valley - pretty key to your strategy

-1 Rare Candy - I just rarely use 4
-1 Evosoda - with 4/1/4, I'm not sure it's worth the space

I'd also consider losing one or even two enhanced hammers for a crushing hammer and/or a xerosic. 3 VS seeker also seems a bit heavy to me, but that's more of a preference.
Thank you very much, I managed to replace a rare candy with Dimension valley. I removed a Professor Juniper and added a Shauna for the lack of consistency. For the Enhance hammers though I know my friends decks rely heavily on those special energies. So I like to stall before I get knocked out by a Mega-Kangaskhan EX or a Black Kyurem EX