Gallade / Gardevoir Psychic Deck
You need to stall really hard, Ralts can paralyze for 1 energy unless Dimension Valley is in play then no energy is required. Gardevoir can power Gallade also Gengar, Mewtwo and Sigilyph.
Main attackers: Gallade attacks with powerful storm. With Gardevoir in play; 3 energies in play = 120 Damage; 5+ energies in play = 200+ damage
Scenario attackers: Sigilyph, Mewtwo, Mega or Gengar EX
1# Dimensionn valley plus Gardevoir can make 3 energy based attacks into 1 energy attacks.(Psychic, Dark Corridor, Psydrive, Phantom Gate, Swift Lunge)
2# Mystery Energy on Sigilyph then retreat to Gengar EX use Dark Corridor then switch back to Sigilyph.
3# Tiptoe step to get the extra card when Kirlia in play.
4# Stack energies on Mewtwo while Gallade is in active and Gardervoir in bench.
5# Lysandre to FINISH THEM
6# Spirit Link with Evosoda when Gengar EX in play can summon Mega Gengar fast!
Additional cards: Just ideas
1x Wobbufett - PHS ( Bide Barrier ) Good counter against opponents abilities LIKE DELUGE
1x Celebi EX - BCR ( Time Recall ) Can use pre-evolution attacks. M Gengar EX using Dark Corridor
1x Mr. MIme - PLD ( Bence Barrier ) Protects Bench
1# counters Blastoise/Black Kyurem Deck
2# counters Plasma Decks
3# N
4# Lysandre
5# Anti Champion Deck
1# Psychic types
2# anti anti counter Decks
3# inconsistency
4# Hand with no supporters sometimes
Tell me what should be in or what not to be in. Do not include Primal Clash sets or any cards before 2012
Any opinions are much appreciated
Contact me on [email protected]
4 Ralts PLS
1 Kirlia LTR
2 Gardevoir NXD
2 Gallade PLS
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Gengar EX
1 M Gengar EX
2 Sigilyph LTR
14 cards total
4 Rare Candy
1 Startling Megaphone
2 Evosoda
4 Enhanced Hammer
3 VS Seeker
1 Full Heal
2 Professor's Letter
3 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search
1 Pokemon Center Lady
1 Skyla
3 N
4 Professor Juniper
2 Dimension Valley
1 Gengar Spirit Link
2 Lysandre
35 cards total
8 Psychic Energy
3 Mystery Energy
11 cards total
You need to stall really hard, Ralts can paralyze for 1 energy unless Dimension Valley is in play then no energy is required. Gardevoir can power Gallade also Gengar, Mewtwo and Sigilyph.
Main attackers: Gallade attacks with powerful storm. With Gardevoir in play; 3 energies in play = 120 Damage; 5+ energies in play = 200+ damage
Scenario attackers: Sigilyph, Mewtwo, Mega or Gengar EX
1# Dimensionn valley plus Gardevoir can make 3 energy based attacks into 1 energy attacks.(Psychic, Dark Corridor, Psydrive, Phantom Gate, Swift Lunge)
2# Mystery Energy on Sigilyph then retreat to Gengar EX use Dark Corridor then switch back to Sigilyph.
3# Tiptoe step to get the extra card when Kirlia in play.
4# Stack energies on Mewtwo while Gallade is in active and Gardervoir in bench.
5# Lysandre to FINISH THEM
6# Spirit Link with Evosoda when Gengar EX in play can summon Mega Gengar fast!
Additional cards: Just ideas
1x Wobbufett - PHS ( Bide Barrier ) Good counter against opponents abilities LIKE DELUGE
1x Celebi EX - BCR ( Time Recall ) Can use pre-evolution attacks. M Gengar EX using Dark Corridor
1x Mr. MIme - PLD ( Bence Barrier ) Protects Bench
1# counters Blastoise/Black Kyurem Deck
2# counters Plasma Decks
3# N
4# Lysandre
5# Anti Champion Deck
1# Psychic types
2# anti anti counter Decks
3# inconsistency
4# Hand with no supporters sometimes
Tell me what should be in or what not to be in. Do not include Primal Clash sets or any cards before 2012
Any opinions are much appreciated
Contact me on [email protected]