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Gallade PLS / Gardevoir NXD


Pokémon Professor
Pokemon: 14
  • 4 Ralts PLS
  • 1 Kirlia PLS
  • 3 Gallade PLS
  • 2 Gardevoir NXD
  • 1 Mr. Mime PLF
  • 2 Mewtwo-EX
  • 1 Sigilyph DRX
Trainers: 35
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Shauna
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Exp. Share
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 1 Evosoda
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Pokemon Catcher
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
Energy: 11
  • 7 Psychic Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

This is preety straightforward, just set up Gardevoir and Gallade and have as many energy down as you can to hit Powerful Storm for 80 on T2 (with a bunch of luck and Candies), 120 T3, 200 T5 and so on... Mewtwo is supposed to have the Exp. Share so that if a Gallade is KO'ed, the single energy it had goes to Mewtwo, so other Gallade doesn't lose attack output, while also charging up Mewtwo if it needed to attack.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

I don't think you need Sableye. If you want a starter test 1 Emolga. Also you need some basic attackers, like Mewtwo ex or Sigilyph. I suggest:

- 2 Exeggcute
- 3 Sableye
- 1 Gallade

+ 1 Emolga
+ 1 Gardevoir
+ 2 Mewtwo ex
+ 1 Sigilyph

Also, you have 15 Pokemon (with these changes), so replace Ultra Balls with more Pokemon Communication. You need Skyla to grab the rare candy for Gardevoir and Gallade. So,

- 2 Ultra Ball
- 1 Colress
- 1 Random Receiver
- 1 Super Rod

+ 2 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 N
+ 3 Skyla (you had 16 Pokemon in your list, now with my changes 15, so the third Skyla took the place of 1 Pokemon)

Finally, you need only 10 Phychic energies, so in place of 1 energy (you have 11), add a second Virbank City Gym.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Thanks, made the changes, I'll test it right away. Also added 4 DCE. And I always ran 3 Gallade and 2 Gardevoir, and it has worked for me, but I'll give it a shot. Anything else?
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Your main focus should be to have a Gardevoir Turn2. With 2 Gardevoir is too risky. So, if you want, add a third Gallade, but a third Gardevoir is also a must. Now that you add 4 DCE, what's your energy line? 8 Psy + 4 DCE? I don't think that you have the space to do that.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Ok, you need 4 DCE anyway for a good start with Mewtwo ex + Laser.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Exactly, there are games when I don't even set up Gallade, just start off with Mewtwo, and build a Gardevoir from behind and just hit hard.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

I made a Gardvoir/Gallade/Mewtwo/Etherdex i am pretty sure this is mine deck list
13 Pokemon
2 Gardvoir
2 Gallade
3 Mewtwo
1 Cresselia EX
1 Emogla
4 Ralts
34 Trainers
4 Pokedex
4 Ether
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Float Stone
1 Switch
1 Scramble Switch
4 Rare Candy
2 Ultra Ball
1 Pokemon Communication
4 N
4 Professor Juniper
4 Skyla
14 Energy
14 Psychic
i know the energy and the pokemon were the same not so sure about some of the trainers
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Well, I don't think that's gonna work for me... I usually attack with Gallade, and use Mewtwo just to "store" the energies and attack if it has to, so running 3 is a little heavy...
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Luispipe8 said:
Well, I don't think that's gonna work for me... I usually attack with Gallade, and use Mewtwo just to "store" the energies and attack if it has to, so running 3 is a little heavy...
Since you do not like 3 Mewtwo EX (and I can relate to that.)
Try this:
-1 Mewtwo
+1 Emogla or a Colress
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

DeckMaster said:
Luispipe8 said:
Well, I don't think that's gonna work for me... I usually attack with Gallade, and use Mewtwo just to "store" the energies and attack if it has to, so running 3 is a little heavy...
Since you do not like 3 Mewtwo EX (and I can relate to that.)
Try this:
-1 Mewtwo
+1 Emogla or a Colress
You mean from your list or mine? From your list the thing I don't see working(Apart from 3 Mewtwos) is the Etherdex engine... I tried it with Darkrai and almost never worked.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Luispipe8 said:
DeckMaster said:
Since you do not like 3 Mewtwo EX (and I can relate to that.)
Try this:
-1 Mewtwo
+1 Emogla or a Colress
You mean from your list or mine? From your list the thing I don't see working(Apart from 3 Mewtwos) is the Etherdex engine... I tried it with Darkrai and almost never worked.
Lets say there were 15 Energy in the deck (there are really 14 but it is much harder to do math with that number.) So 15/60 is 1/4 that means if you look at the top 5 you are most likely to get one energy in those 5 cards
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

At first glance this list looks extremely solid, but 9 supporters??

-3 lasers (youre trying to OHKO with this deck so take these out)
-1 VCG (no lasers - no VCG)
+1 Juniper - Draw support
+1 Skyla
+2 Bianca - more drawing = good

even 13 is low for a stage 2 deck, but it should be okay. good luck :D
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

AlexanderTheAwesome said:
At first glance this list looks extremely solid, but 9 supporters??

-3 lasers (youre trying to OHKO with this deck so take these out)
-1 VCG (no lasers - no VCG)
+1 Juniper - Draw support
+1 Skyla
+2 Bianca - more drawing = good

even 13 is low for a stage 2 deck, but it should be okay. good luck :D

That's actually what I was thinking, I need more Supporters, but it already hurts me to run 3 Juniper. Maybe a Colress instead of Juniper? And in case of Bianca, i don't think i'll help A LOT, since when I ran them whith this deck I only drew 2-3 cards. Maybe Cheren instead? And meanwhile I get those, would Keldeo/Float Stone be viable?
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

How 'bout Tropical Beach? Expensive but then you have an excuse to get rid of your lasers. In Megalo Cannon, there is a card called Cradily that can get out Stage 2s for free. Maybe you could try waiting until Plasma Blast?
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

I actually tought about Cradily, but that would be either running Grass or Blend Energy, which don't get boosted by Gardevoir. And about Tropical Beach:
-This was, before anything, a Budget deck, so running it it's literally IMPOSSIBLE.
-I'd rather take a shot at Paralysis instead, since I don't burn that many cards that easily.