Pokemon: 14
This is preety straightforward, just set up Gardevoir and Gallade and have as many energy down as you can to hit Powerful Storm for 80 on T2 (with a bunch of luck and Candies), 120 T3, 200 T5 and so on... Mewtwo is supposed to have the Exp. Share so that if a Gallade is KO'ed, the single energy it had goes to Mewtwo, so other Gallade doesn't lose attack output, while also charging up Mewtwo if it needed to attack.
- 4 Ralts PLS
- 1 Kirlia PLS
- 3 Gallade PLS
- 2 Gardevoir NXD
- 1 Mr. Mime PLF
- 2 Mewtwo-EX
- 1 Sigilyph DRX
- 4 Professor Juniper
- 4 N
- 2 Skyla
- 1 Colress
- 1 Shauna
- 4 Rare Candy
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 2 Level Ball
- 2 Float Stone
- 2 Exp. Share
- 1 Tool Scrapper
- 1 Startling Megaphone
- 1 Evosoda
- 1 Professor's Letter
- 1 Switch
- 1 Escape Rope
- 1 Pokemon Catcher
- 1 Super Rod
- 1 Dowsing Machine
- 7 Psychic Energy
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
This is preety straightforward, just set up Gardevoir and Gallade and have as many energy down as you can to hit Powerful Storm for 80 on T2 (with a bunch of luck and Candies), 120 T3, 200 T5 and so on... Mewtwo is supposed to have the Exp. Share so that if a Gallade is KO'ed, the single energy it had goes to Mewtwo, so other Gallade doesn't lose attack output, while also charging up Mewtwo if it needed to attack.