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Gallade PLS / Gardevoir NXD

Luispipe8 said:
Pokemon: 14
  • 4 Ralts PLS
  • 1 Kirlia PLS
  • 3 Gallade PLS
  • 2 Gardevoir NXD
  • 1 Mr. Mime PLF
  • 2 Mewtwo-EX
  • 1 Sigilyph DRX
Trainers: 35
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Shauna
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Exp. Share
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 1 Evosoda
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Pokemon Catcher
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
Energy: 11
  • 7 Psychic Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
Any particular reason(s) why you also did not incorporate any Lysandre and/or Pal Pads? I'm finding that both of these Flashfire cards to be quite effective in my decks.
Well, the main reason is because at the moment I don't have them. :p I do plan to get them next week, though, and probably do:
-1 Pokémon Catcher
-1 Evosoda
+1 Lysandre
+1 Pal Pad

Sounds good?
Wow. This is an old thread ;) Remember this from a longgggg time ago

First, I highly recommend taking out Mr. Mime. The format has shifted and honestly, there isn't as much bench hitting anymore that will make a huge difference in math.
I also see.... um.... one EvoSoda? I don't get it really. You only run 1 Stage that that will ever help with.
I also don't really get the Float Stone thing. Honestly I'd like to see it replaced with some Switch. And it never hurts to up your Exp. Share count either.
This is a Stage 2 deck. Shauna really hurts you more than it would help you only drawing 5 cards.
I'd rather get a Lysandre in here over an escape rope.
Again, I'd like to see some more supporters (I'll get to that later)
I'd also like to see one of the following - +1 Kirlia or +1 Gallade. Just my opinion here.

So here are some definate changes I'd make:
-1 EvoSoda
-2 Float Stone
-1 Shauna
-1 Escape Rope
-1 Pokemon Catcher
-1 Mr. Mime
Open Space: 7

+2 Lysandre OR +1 Lysandre & +1 Draw Supporter
+1 Switch
+1 Exp. Share
+1 Colress
+1 Colress/Skyla
+1 Kirlia/Gallade

Also, Personal Preference would be to go full M Phone and take out Scrapper
I really have tested Pal Pad in a lot of decks, and it really doesn't do much in personal testing. You never know though.
RE: Gallade PLS/Gardevoir NXD

Kingslayer said:
I don't think you need Sableye. If you want a starter test 1 Emolga. Also you need some basic attackers, like Mewtwo ex or Sigilyph. I suggest:

- 2 Exeggcute
- 3 Sableye
- 1 Gallade

+ 1 Emolga
+ 1 Gardevoir
+ 2 Mewtwo ex
+ 1 Sigilyph

Also, you have 15 Pokemon (with these changes), so replace Ultra Balls with more Pokemon Communication. You need Skyla to grab the rare candy for Gardevoir and Gallade. So,

- 2 Ultra Ball
- 1 Colress
- 1 Random Receiver
- 1 Super Rod

+ 2 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 N
+ 3 Skyla (you had 16 Pokemon in your list, now with my changes 15, so the third Skyla took the place of 1 Pokemon)

Finally, you need only 10 Phychic energies, so in place of 1 energy (you have 11), add a second Virbank City Gym.

Don't forget, Pokemon Communication is rotated now.
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Wow. This is an old thread ;) Remember this from a longgggg time ago

First, I highly recommend taking out Mr. Mime. The format has shifted and honestly, there isn't as much bench hitting anymore that will make a huge difference in math.
I also see.... um.... one EvoSoda? I don't get it really. You only run 1 Stage that that will ever help with.
I also don't really get the Float Stone thing. Honestly I'd like to see it replaced with some Switch. And it never hurts to up your Exp. Share count either.
This is a Stage 2 deck. Shauna really hurts you more than it would help you only drawing 5 cards.
I'd rather get a Lysandre in here over an escape rope.
Again, I'd like to see some more supporters (I'll get to that later)
I'd also like to see one of the following - +1 Kirlia or +1 Gallade. Just my opinion here.

So here are some definate changes I'd make:
-1 EvoSoda
-2 Float Stone
-1 Shauna
-1 Escape Rope
-1 Pokemon Catcher
-1 Mr. Mime
Open Space: 7

+2 Lysandre OR +1 Lysandre & +1 Draw Supporter
+1 Switch
+1 Exp. Share
+1 Colress
+1 Colress/Skyla
+1 Kirlia/Gallade

Also, Personal Preference would be to go full M Phone and take out Scrapper
I really have tested Pal Pad in a lot of decks, and it really doesn't do much in personal testing. You never know though.
I'm a bit busy as of right now, but I'll study those changes maybe tomorrow. ;) But still, see that TuxedoBlack already established the Lysandre part, and Yeah, the EvoSoda is going out, actually. Thanks, though.
GadgetJax said:
Kingslayer said:
I don't think you need Sableye. If you want a starter test 1 Emolga. Also you need some basic attackers, like Mewtwo ex or Sigilyph. I suggest:

- 2 Exeggcute
- 3 Sableye
- 1 Gallade

+ 1 Emolga
+ 1 Gardevoir
+ 2 Mewtwo ex
+ 1 Sigilyph

Also, you have 15 Pokemon (with these changes), so replace Ultra Balls with more Pokemon Communication. You need Skyla to grab the rare candy for Gardevoir and Gallade. So,

- 2 Ultra Ball
- 1 Colress
- 1 Random Receiver
- 1 Super Rod

+ 2 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 N
+ 3 Skyla (you had 16 Pokemon in your list, now with my changes 15, so the third Skyla took the place of 1 Pokemon)

Finally, you need only 10 Phychic energies, so in place of 1 energy (you have 11), add a second Virbank City Gym.

Don't forget, Pokemon Communication is rotated now.
Oh, come on, look at that post's date!!!!!! :p Read better first the next time, Gadget.