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RE: GallApe

You can search out the different energy types via cyrus's conspiracy. Its not a problem to have two different types in the same deck.
RE: GallApe

- 2 Stark Mountain
+ 2 Prof. Oak's New Theory

I thoght It might be better this way... With more darw power...

More ideas??
RE: GallApe

Actually, Garchomp C X does go well with Gallade 4 X because you spread with Gallade 4 X then snipe with GarchompC X. Gallade 4 X can also be reused with Poketurn, coupled with Crobat G, and Gallade's attacks, it's a pretty nice deck. Also, if you can afford it, Luxray GL X can replace Garchomp to take advantage of Aimed Cut.

Also, most SP decks are OK with two types. 3 types is an overkill though, unless it's used for a colorless attack or power.
RE: GallApe

Perhaps you should put in Kingdra prime instead of luxray or infernape, basically kingdra yes does take bench space:( moving on from that you can stack damage to boost gallade's attack power
so I think a 4-2-1-3 (Horsea UL Seadra UL Kingdra LA Kingdra prime) anyway la kingdra can opperate as a secondry attacker most certainly against Donphan so hears my opinion im building this deck at the moment hope this helped.
RE: GallApe

kingdra would slow this deck so much. you need to take out room for a line and candies. too much of a hassle.
you need a set up line. i'd run 2 sableye SF and 2 honchkrow g. adds another kind of energy but it sets you up quick.
sableye is a great attacker as well. one special dark and its 20-50 damage per turn. honckrow gets out your tgi's. get one with cyrus and one with honchkrow and you set up twice as fast. which is helpful in a slow deck deck. if you have it, a 1-1 luxray line would be great.
sableye is a great attacker as well. one special dark and its 20-50 damage per turn???

You only need 2 Crobat G, only 1 Bebe's Search and you don't need Warp Point. Exchange them for a Communicator, Power Spray, and a Lucario GL. Also, I would exchange the 2 Honchkrow and Dark for 4 Call and maybe a Bronzong G and an Unown Q. I would also find room for Aaron's and a Mewtwo counter.