Now before you say anything, give this electrospider a shot.
Alright guys, lets get a look at this guy. His first attack, Electroweb is not bad. Remember, you have to be active to level up, so you could keep Sableye/Spiritomb up so no one could level up for 3 turns, so it may be small, but any stalling of Garchomp is good. Belt it and doing 40 damage to the same Pokemon turn after turn, unless they Warp Point or Switch.
The real reason I'm here is to tell you about the second attack, Leech Life. This attack is similar to Torterra's Giga Drain. Is has less of an energy cost, one DCE and there you go. You belt it and doing 60 healing 60. Which helps with the 80 HP, 100 with the belt. If there was a deck built around this, you would spam PlusPowers, Bucks, Black Belt, Defender, etc. Anything to help with the damage to heal all the damage done to this little guy.
So what do you guys think? Is is possible this guy could make his way in somehow, or be a rouge deck crushed every time by the big bad Meta.