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Galvantula Eelektrik? Just Casual Fun


Mush. Up!
Pokemon: 16
4-4 Galvantula PLS
4-4 Eelektrik NVI

Trainers: 34
4 Professor Juniper
4 Skyla
2 N
2 Bianca
1 Colress

4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Level Ball
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Bicycle
2 Random Receiver
2 Super Rod
1 Dowsing Machine

2 Virbank City Gym

Energy: 10
10 Lightning

Simple enough, use the eels to pump up that Discharge! Any advice to give this more charge, I mean obviously aside from using the superior Zek/Ray?
RE: GalvEels? Just Casual Fun

If you plan on using this eels deck just for fun, Rotom from Plasma Storm gives good early discard charge and draw support.

My suggestions are:
-1 Super rod (one is enough)
-2 Bicycle (I still don't see the point of this card being printed)

+3 Rotom (You want to start with Rotom and drop energy on T1)
RE: GalvEels? Just Casual Fun

I'd recommend atleast 1 Emolga. It helps setting things up and at worst, provides something that can attack for cheap. Maybe 2 Rotom and 1 Emolga.