GameStop Discontinues Pokemon TCG Preorders at Stores and Website!

everyone’s suggestions on here assume that TPCi, as a multibillion dollar capitalist corporation, actually cares about anyone’s feelings or opinions about them. they don’t, and they never will. with the way ALL of their TCG products consistently completely sell out, they have no financial reason to make any changes or do anything differently. and y’all should know by now that’s the only thing that matters to any major company. is the product selling? yes? good, keep it up! (at any cost, no matter what…)

i’m not defending it and think this situation genuinely sucks for everyone who just wants to enjoy playing or collecting, but their reputation and our experience literally don’t matter to them when they make the money either way. that’s what capitalism is all about lol
While these are rough times, I believe that we as a community will drive through this. We had to go through this in 2020 and we get were able to see the light.

Stay hopeful, don’t give scalpers money, support ur LGS. We can and will get through this
Kind of glad I jumped ship from the Pokémon TCG after Crown Zenith. It’s just gotten insane, and realistically the sets are never going to end so that was probably a good place to end it and move on to greener pastures.
I still enjoy coming here though and seeing the artwork. I hope those still collecting are able to get back to that without the scarcity issues and these crazy markups.
How about people who already placed preorders for journey together? Or put down payments on the set?
I feel like Pokemon can help a tiny amount on their own website against scalpers. Putting in a check to see if people are getting around the limit by checking if there are more than the limit being shipped to the same address. IT wouldn't be hard to code, and it just cancels the orders for anyone having multiple orders of the same stuff being shipped to them. I know they can just ship somewhere else, but it can limit some of them. It wouldn't limit legit players who place multiple orders of different things. It would, unfortunately, prevent those who have multiple people in the household that want the product from getting it.
Between Scalpors and distributors, I think that Pokémon needs to step in and restructure how they handle distribution and prioritize hobby shops.

At this time, I am not looking forward to the next 30-36 months as Pokémon approaches its 30th Anniversary. If Prismatic Evolution is any indication of how the 30th Anniversary will go...
Celebrations 2.0.
I stopped checking in at my local GameStop because they never had product anyway. I went in on two separate occasions to check if they had any promo cards, and both times they were out the same day those cards released. That was BEFORE this Pokemon boom...
Pretty sure TPCi is printing as much product as possible, demand has just never been higher since Pocket launched
From what I know with my own experiences (mass production printing), they do look to be at capacity with printing with very few solutions other than to expand operations.

Big post, I'm so sorry. "I ain't reading all that; congratulations, or sorry that happened." If I'm wrong somewhere and there's information publicly available about TPC/TPCi's processes that I didn't find, please correct me! I only know what I know from my experiences, and Pokemon Company is not among my experience (and I have other things to do than deep dive to find everything in one sitting).

Assuming that all sets in standard rotation are still being printed ALONGSIDE upcoming sets - maybe with the exception of some of the older sets expected to rotate soon, where they could be distributing warehouse stock instead - there's a certain amount of sets to be allocated to each machine. All these sets have different languages, some have special assets (like new unique artwork for promos, unique backs for the Worlds sets or foil/texture treatments), which further splits allocation of printing machines available for optimal printing.

Looking at Millennium Print Group alone, they have 18 UV print machines (Komori GL-40) in their currently operating pressroom. Each machine at maximum production can produce 2,081,200 cards an hour (the GL-40 has a maximum production of 17,200 sheets an hour, and PTCG is printed in 11x11 sheets; this figure is likely higher than what they're running at for QA purposes) and run 24/7. They print English/French/Italian/German/Spanish cards, so I'm imagining they have at least 2 machines per language on average with maybe a couple more for the more prevalent languages and shift things as demand... demands it.

The sticking point is that despite being acquired by Pokemon Company, MPG takes estimates and orders from other companies on their website. This means we don't know exactly how many machines are being used by Pokemon Company for PTCG at any given time at MPG, in exchange for profiting from a wide variety of businesses (apparently they print for "Education, Pharmaceutical, Retail and Entertainment industries" according to their Company page) seeking to print their work using MPG. This is pretty safe to assume the same for the Brazil and Belgium pressrooms, and puts a dent in how many cards get printed to meet demand.

If they're so dead set on keeping all their other clients (no doubt a big profit), they're going to have to either get more printing machines (big cost, as more machines may require bigger space, which means either moving costs or construction costs) or acquiring new companies (potentially bigger cost), all of which results in logistical and operational shifts. while pokemon company does make huge profits, japanese businesses are reaaaally risk averse, and what may be a simple solution to us requires a lot of corporate and bureaucratic steps to achieve. In the long run, it'd be great for daily operation, but the immediate costs and reallocation of resources (not just financial) are never fun to look at.

Ultimately, they don't stand to benefit by just continuing to print as normal- they see the demand, and they see the pressure on them to provide their clients (retailers) the products they need for operation. Expansion is necessary, and they HAVE made some steps (MPG has an EU pressroom, but it seems to not be ready yet since the website doesn't talk about it), but it hasn't been sufficient. I imagine when this EU pressroom gets up and going, they will take on more of the European language printing which would reduce logistics costs significantly (less international shipping from the US and US MPG pressroom could dedicate more machines to English sets), but heck if I know how long they're going to sit on this one unused pressroom.
Game stop should instead limit the preorders to 2 like the purchase limits but make it so ONLY PROs can preorder so then it would limit scammers since you need an ID to become a pro - they’re basically only not out of business because of their cards and this is gonna stop so many people from even attempting to buy there…

I stopped checking in at my local GameStop because they never had product anyway. I went in on two separate occasions to check if they had any promo cards, and both times they were out the same day those cards released. That was BEFORE this Pokemon boom...
Some of the mid SV sets especially around pardox/temporal each store only got 5-10 promo cards TOTAL while still getting large/normal product shipments.

Recently the 2 stores near me are only getting 5-10 PRODUCTS TOTAL but stacks (20-30) of promos which was back in line with how much they were getting at the beginning of SV.

But since Prismatic every product release day (almost every Friday) they have had line out front starting as early as 4am and it sells out within minutes of opening - it’s FULLY UNSUSTAINABLE - haven’t seen a single “Azure Legends” tin on shelves since release and usually those tin are left on shelves for weeks 😩

I was fortunate enough to have preordered 2 of the eevee 2 pack and that’s all I have to rip of prismatic since release day and I didn’t even get an ex or pokeball just 4 holos and 8 reverses holos which makes me sad to have even opened the product because the demand is so high but then I’m MAD AT ME for even thinking “this would’ve been better to hold sealed” like NO! I am in the hobby to open cards and play a game GO AWAY CRYPTO BROS this isn’t a stock to trade in!

Sadly, I think some of the people above me are correct in thinking “billion dollar company don’t care if fans are sad/mad they care that it sells” but I know so many people that are over this so much that demand from the core fans could be damaged by this a - additionally 100% agree with “BYE GAMESTOP” if they’re leaving the MSRP sales AND the preorder game like don’t need you and y’all shouldn’t be messing with core fans
This wouldn't be an issue if GameStop actually follows their own rules. One I am near even though it is stated that Pro Members get two items per account they only give one per account. Another goes even further and if the items are in "high demand" they make you pick which one you want regardless if the item is a different one or not.
My Local GS Store Leader knew nothing about this, I made her aware and she was very thankful, she says if information comes out on the weekend they usually aren't told until the following Monday... on a happy note I got some Surging Sparks packs to rip from that same store today because today was a GS Trade Event so they got a small amount of product to sell.
Aww, I was hoping for confirmation on TPCi being 8 months behind on TCG production.

That said, the last time I entered a GamStop was back in August for the Greninja ex/Kingdra ex boxes and this, along with scalpers camping outside of stores before release, just made me write them off for good.
Other than prerelease, I’m skipping Journey Together anyway. Especially since the allocation numbers are low.
The shop closest to me that does prerelease only recently announced the dates for it. I hope scalpers don’t try to come to it just for packs.
At this rate I don’t know when I’ll be able to get sealed product, and the singles market is going crazy too. It’s getting hard to have hope and patience for the end of all this when there feels like there’s no end in sight.
Scalpers tend to avoid prerelease due to the event requiring you to open your Build & Battle Box to some extent but that doesn’t stop value-based investors from checking them out for people undervaluing cards.
How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man!

If they fix the rarity issues, everything else falls in line.

Collectors, players, investors and TPC would all be happy. The only ones who would lose are scalpers.
Investors complained about the pull rates in early SV sets due to how quickly high-demand cards lost value and now, because TPCi considers their complaints as being just as valid as the complaints of everybody else’s, we have to deal with nonsense like SIR Pikachu ex costing triple-digits.
Between Scalpors and distributors, I think that Pokémon needs to step in and restructure how they handle distribution and prioritize hobby shops.

At this time, I am not looking forward to the next 30-36 months as Pokémon approaches its 30th Anniversary. If Prismatic Evolution is any indication of how the 30th Anniversary will go...
They won’t unless people really start to raise noise over it (especially if it manages to disrupt events like IRL tournaments like Worlds), selling to scalpers and investors benefits TPCi’s bottom line just as much as selling to players and collectors does.
The Pokemon Company International are run by literal incompetent clowns and have been for years.

Unlike JP which prints all kinds of things for players and where playing is integral, TPCI prints products that are worthless for everyone that just sits on shelves and then the normal products that all get scalped by neckbeards. Maybe if they redirected what they are printing and they increased the pull rates, this would be less of a problem.

But idiots are unable to reflect and learn so this will continue.
it's a bit surreal seeing the takeover of scalpers in places like america and some european countries while having pretty good supply and not much demand where I live. lower purchasing power with high prices means very few are buying etb so they're pretty consistently stocked up at game and card stores
People with 100s of boxes of unopened product behind them on YouTube videos of them opening stuff are the problem. Scalpers are the problem. People who think they are actually an investment are the problem. I don’t know how we got here, but I don’t see anything changing anytime soon.
I live an hour away from any retailer that may sell Pokemon. I guess I'll just never get cards again. I can't afford to drive an hour or more on the chance I might get something after competing with a city of thousands of other fans and scalpers.
Surely there's a website you can buy from that ships to you, or better yet one of those "free shipping with minimum purchase" things.