GameStop Now Selling Pokemon TCG Products Above MSRP Upon Release

I'd rather scare them out of the community by any means necessary.
This is an insane take, lmao. CHILL. It's shiny cardboard. TPCI has been doing this for nearly 30 years, the pull rates are by design and this is a hobby built on gambling and manufactured scarcity. The reality is, a LOT of people want these cards and there isn't enough to go around. Stores and online shops should have limits, but beyond that there's not much you can do other than let the market, market.
I second that, I loved the mystery meat comparison :D Who are the short-term investors, are they the youtubers and scalpers?
Discord groups buying out certain Secret Illustrator Rare cards and holding them until they're reach and stay a certain value, it's been going on since Temporal Forces and most recently happened to PRE's SIR Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex.

YouTubers and scalpers also fall under this, especially when they tell players and collectors who are absolutely ticked with how this situation is being handled to step aside and let the problem continue.
This is an insane take, lmao. CHILL. It's shiny cardboard. TPCI has been doing this for nearly 30 years, the pull rates are by design and this is a hobby built on gambling and manufactured scarcity. The reality is, a LOT of people want these cards and there isn't enough to go around. Stores and online shops should have limits, but beyond that there's not much you can do other than let the market, market.
... you know what? Taking your past posts into account alongside you mentioning "gambling and manufactured scarcity" (especially that second part) here makes me think you're either a TCG investor yourself or you somehow benefit from the radioactive landfill that is the current state of the TCG.
MPG operates 24/7. Tpci probably just regular business hours. Gamestop is scummy and will just become a pokemon store that tries to be a lcs, remember when they over did it with funko?

I remember a ripshipper about year ago saying these were the good days. The days of half off pokemon subsidized by tiktok. It seems businesses cant keep up with the times and/or out of touch. Why create all this hype to not satiate the demand?

I predict a collapse of pokemon cards like baseball cards in the 80s. Because by then, they'll be enough goddamn pokemon cards for your unborn unborns. It's going to get worse before it gets better and getting better or worse means different things to different people.
They’re testing the waters. It’s %12,5 above MSRP now, they’ll test increments until it is no longer profitable to do so.
... you know what? Taking your past posts into account alongside you mentioning "gambling and manufactured scarcity" (especially that second part) here makes me think you're either a TCG investor yourself or you somehow benefit from the radioactive landfill that is the current state of the TCG.
My name ain't 'Giovanni4Lyfe' for nothing 😈
Scalpers are trash.

Gamestop is trash.

TPCi is also trash and frankly doesn't get enough blame for all the things going wrong with the TCG right now.
Stores literally can't purchase products for under msrp right now, even larger ones. Chances are if your local store is selling...let's say etbs of prismatic, for 90 they had to buy them at like 70 from their primary distributor.

That's not scalping, that's just having product.

The blame lies entirely on TCPI not printing to demand and distributors not having strict rules about who to sell to and how much it can be sold for. Right now a LGS hosting events has the same priority as an online store that does rip and ships.
i meant reprints. there’s gonna be massive waves of reprints in the coming months. if people can be patient they will be fine. i agree though that TPCi has been super negligent in their handling of big set releases