• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.


Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
3-3 Garbodor DRX with nvi trubbish
3 Registeel EX
2 Groudon EX
2 Terrakion NV

4 Switch
4 Heavy Ball
4 Catcher
2 Eviolite
2 Rocky Helmet
4 Exp. Share
3 Juniper
4 N
4 Cheren
3 Random Reciever
2 Tool Scrapper


The strategy is to triple laser asap to spread some damage. Try for a t2 garbodor against anything with abilities, which is the majority of the meta. Groudon can ohko anything after 2 triple lasers unless they are resistent. I really just want to find room for 1{F} and 2 or 3 ultra ball.
--1 or -2 Rocky Helmet
-2 Tool Scrapper

I really just want to find room for 1{F} and 2 or 3 ultra ball.

Personally i get rid of at least one of the rocky helmets i pefer eviolites anyways and the tool scrappers i don't think are as helpful as the ultra balls and extra energy would be
This deck couldn't beat any superior decks like Mewtwo/Darkrai, Darkrai/Hydreigon, or even fire decks. This deck could do OK in battle roads.
Pokefan2271 said:
This deck couldn't beat any superior decks like Mewtwo/Darkrai, Darkrai/Hydreigon, or even fire decks. This deck could do OK in battle roads.

He posted to recieve help with the deck itself. Not every deck made is to be tier 1.

I would do this:

-1 catcher (everybody says that 4 is a must, not true at all)
-1 Random Reciever
-2 Rocky Helmets
-2 Terrakion (The main idea of this deck is spread damage+Giant claw)

+2 Giant Cape (you want to keep Garbador alive as long as possible)
+2 Ultra Ball
+2 {F}

Removing Terrakion allows for smoother pulls. Also you don't have to always have Garbador out, as long as its there long enough to give you a win advantage.
Pokefan2271 said:
This deck couldn't beat any superior decks like Mewtwo/Darkrai, Darkrai/Hydreigon, or even fire decks. This deck could do OK in battle roads.

Darkrai/Hydregion is actually Auto-loss to this deck, along with Eels, and Emboar variants. Mewtwo/Darkrai is the same. TBH, the only Darkrai varient not Autoloss to this is Darkrai Tornadus, but even then, it's a hard match-up.

pkolaboy said:
-1 catcher (everybody says that 4 is a must, not true at all)
-1 Random Reciever
-2 Rocky Helmets
-2 Terrakion (The main idea of this deck is spread damage+Giant claw)

+2 Giant Cape (you want to keep Garbador alive as long as possible)
+2 Ultra Ball
+2 {F}

Removing Terrakion allows for smoother pulls. Also you don't have to always have Garbador out, as long as its there long enough to give you a win advantage.

Rocky Helmet actually helps against Darkrai and Zekrom EX. If they have an Eviolite, Terrakion NV (very important card in this deck) can still OK them if the attack anything with Rocky Helmet attached. The other changes wouldn't help that much either, since you do need four Catcher in this deck, it takes a lot to set up, meaning you need time. The RR I would take out for an Energy though.