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Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on FINAL BUILD


Aspiring Trainer

This is my final deck list for the Garchomp Deck. This build of the deck is the most stable and has a turn 3 set up of two Garchomps and Alteria every game played so far.

Pokemon 22
4x Gible {sand attack}
3x Gabite {dragon call}
4x Garchomp {mach cut}
4x Swablu {song}
3x Altaria
2x Terrakion {retaliate} (KEY CARD DURING A 1 TO 1 MATCH UP AND AS A TRUMP HITTER)
2x Emolga {call for family DE)

Supporters 10
3x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca

Trainers 17
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Level Ball
2x Switch
3x Rare Candy
2x Energy Switch
2x Random Receiver
1x Super Rod

Energy 11
4x Blend Energy WFLM {W}{F}{L}{M}
6x Fighting Energy Fighting
1x Water
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

I don't know why you're running Ultra Ball when Level ball essentially searches your entire deck. I don't think Terrakion is needed at all, you should already have a pretty good Darkrai match up, seeing as how one of the key parts of that deck is the dragon weak Hydregion which you ohko anyway.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

+1 Gabite: You're going to definately want at least three Gabites; this is what makes the deck good.
+1 Swablu: Swablus have a tendancy to drop off the board, especially against Zeel (T1 Outrage), so four is a must.
+1 N: Much less situational than Bianca. I'd max N first.
+1 Super Rod: Idealy, you'd want two, but I'm having trouble finding room with Terrakion (Let me know how that goes, by the way.)
+3 Level Ball: DragonBlade + Ultra Ball = a lot of valuable resources sent to the discard. Level Ball should get you everything you need. Once you get out Gabite, you can Dragon Call for just about everything else.
-1 Terrakion: Terrakion kind of slows the deck down, but not too much since you already have the {F}. Cutting one means less of a chance of starting with it, too.
-2 Bianca: You should be fine with ten Supporters, two Random Recievers, and built in search.
-1 {F} (possibly)
-3 Ultra Ball
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

JimboJumbo said:
I don't know why you're running Ultra Ball when Level ball essentially searches your entire deck. I don't think Terrakion is needed at all, you should already have a pretty good Darkrai match up, seeing as how one of the key parts of that deck is the dragon weak Hydregion which you ohko anyway.

Terrakion is great in the deck because it keeps the one for one ohko. The Hydregion deck is a better then the Garchomp deck; and the reason for this is that it has the EX pokemon to fall back on allowing the deck to stand up to other types better. The EX pokemon are also what makes the Hydregion deck vulnerable because of the two prize cost. Terrakion gives you the upper hand against Darkrai and all the Eel based dragon decks. Terrakion also allows for another attacker which the deck is short on.

Play it and try it out.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

I'm not so sure. I imagine you could cripple Darkrai/Hydreigon by taking out the Hydreigon early. As soon as they can't Max Potion Darkrai, you can safely 2HKO them.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Yes, I have :p I'll admit I have yet to test the Terrakion with Garchomp. Before all the hype, my friend built a similar deck with Garchomp and three Terrakion (no Altarias). It was incredibly slow, but it could simply be he didn't know how to make it efficient. I'll try the Terrakion, but my list is pretty tight.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Personally i think cheren is better than bianca in this deck. Bianca would work better in dark hyrda or eels since ur trying to get stuff in the discard by using ultra ball than refresh ur hand with bianca and with how gabite work thats just limiting bianca a bit more
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Berserk Skills said:
Personally i think cheren is better than bianca in this deck. Bianca would work better in dark hyrda or eels since ur trying to get stuff in the discard by using ultra ball than refresh ur hand with bianca and with how gabite work thats just limiting bianca a bit more

The problem is both of them are situational cards, but in this deck i also think the cheren works better.

Mora said:
Yes, I have :p I'll admit I have yet to test the Terrakion with Garchomp. Before all the hype, my friend built a similar deck with Garchomp and three Terrakion (no Altarias). It was incredibly slow, but it could simply be he didn't know how to make it efficient. I'll try the Terrakion, but my list is pretty tight.

Get back to me on your opinion of the Terrakion.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

why use super rod when you can use rescue scarf? assuming you are using it to get back your catchered alterias, that way you don't have to search it out again
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

why use super rod when you can use rescue scarf? assuming you are using it to get back your catchered alterias, that way you don't have to search it out again

I not a big fan of super rod and don't use it. My first post of the deck did not have it. I only put it in my second post for people who feel more comfortable using it. Rescue scarf is a very useful card in this deck.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

like the deck, gonna play it to amung others but ... the terrakoin still bothers me. is it to come back from eels? ( we all know eels is gona rip this deck apart ;))
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

I still like Super Rod more than Rescue Scarf since if you Super Rod Altaria, you can get it, Swablu, and a Gabite, or an energy if you're running low, but of course, your deck.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Cut Terrakions and energy switch for 3 Level Ball and a Candy for speed and search.
Terrakion does NOT help against Darkrai. You play no Pluspower or Tool Scrapper, therefore an eviolited Darkrai/Zekrom EX/Raikou EX/Regigigas EX will not be KOd, and put to an extremely low HP, but not KOd. Then they just KO you or work around you. If you run terrakion you need at least 2 Pluspoer or Tool Scrapper to ensure a KO. Terrakion also loses you the game in some matchups. Lets say your against Hammertime. You put down Terrakion. Then, you lose. They catcher it active and Hammer the life out of you. You only run 2 switch, so drawing into them will be hard, and after 2 catchers, its game. I tested Terrakion as well, and its all good on paper, but it slows down the deck and doesn't boost any potential in matchups.

Nicor123 said:
like the deck, gonna play it to amung others but ... the terrakoin still bothers me. is it to come back from eels? ( we all know eels is gona rip this deck apart ;))

Not really. Garchomp is faster and can take out Eels in one hit. You cannot keep OHKOing the Garchomps with 1 or no Eels, even with Zekrom EX. You knock out my Altarias, I KO your Eels. I still have a more consistent damage out put now.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

What if you did run Plus Power? Would that make Terrakion playable?
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

I want to know for my build. I already have Plus Power. I want to know if it would be worth it.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Mora said:
I want to know for my build. I already have Plus Power. I want to know if it would be worth it.

I used Plus Power and Tool Scrapper. I personally like Plus Power more because it allows any of your Pokemon to do more damage. Garchomp also does 70 if there is no Alteria on the field and a possible 140 if it hits weakness; which can really change the game.

Terrkion is a great tech but a lot of people do not know when to use it, so they do not like to put it in there decks. I have had it do nothing but help me in every game.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Another good idea for a tech could be drifblim since mach cut discards a speical energy it could be a great way to power up drifblim for a late game sweeper.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

^ Interesting, but I think that would be it's own deck without Altaria.

As for the Plus Power, it really does help in a lot of situations (like a Tripple Plus Powered Dragon Blade to take out an Eviolited Zekrom :p), but I'm finding my list way too inconsistent. I'm probably going to have to drop them or Max Potion for more Cheren.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on

Mora said:
^ Interesting, but I think that would be it's own deck without Altaria.

As for the Plus Power, it really does help in a lot of situations (like a Tripple Plus Powered Dragon Blade to take out an Eviolited Zekrom :p), but I'm finding my list way too inconsistent. I'm probably going to have to drop them or Max Potion for more Cheren.

What was your list?