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Garchomp/Altaria (Fight Song Deck) BW-on FINAL BUILD

Serperior said:
Yeah, you really need some Rare Candy in your list. I'm not sure if I agree with only two Cheren, but I am for dropping a Terrakion for another one for a little extra consistency.

Cheren is not that big of a need in this deck because of the deck's searching ability. I actually took out cheren from one of my builds entirely for an extra level ball and bianca. I also lowered the juniper count for an extra bianca. I use bianca over cheren or a mix of the both since cheren is not good late game and useless when recovering from a 1 or 2 card N. Also the two Random Receivers aid in getting the draw power. I know that my list consist of not a lot of draw power but has a great amount of search power which makes up for it.

Supporters 9
3 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca

Trainers 16
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Level Ball or 3 level ball
2 Rare Candy and 3 rare candy
2 Tool Scrapper / Plus Power / Energy Switch
2 Switch
2 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod
I hate to keep asking these questions, but do you think it would be a good idea to drop an Emolga for a Level Ball or Super Rod or something? My reasoning is with Swtich, you don't necessarily have to start with Emolga to use Call for Family. I do like the changes though
Mora said:
I hate to keep asking these questions, but do you think it would be a good idea to drop an Emolga for a Level Ball or Super Rod or something? My reasoning is with Swtich, you don't necessarily have to start with Emolga to use Call for Family. I do like the changes though

My advice is do what you think is best. Switch is only in the deck for any pokemon that is affect by a status condition and can't retreat or if you do not want to discard an energy when retreating a pokemon. Switch is not in the deck just for terakkion. I think Emolga is great to drop for a level ball. My deck only runs 2 Emolga. Mess around with the breakdown and see what works best for you.