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Garchomp Altaria


Aspiring Trainer
I know the set has not come out but i want to be ready for when tourneys begin to happen again. I plan to get at least two Altaria out so i can be hitting hard with Garchomp turn 3 if i get the energy.

Pokemon- 20
4-3-4 Garchomp (w/ Dragon Blade)
3-3 Altaria
3 Emolga

3 rare candy
2 switch
4 N
4 Level ball
4 Juniper
2 Bianca
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokemon catcher
2 Super Rod

7 Fighting
4 {L}{W}{F}{M} Blend Energy

I use the Level ball to set up quick with Gabite and Swablu(Who is sadly not a dragon type) and use Gabites abillity to start getting Altaria, Garchomp, and more Gible. I usually will keep this one Gabite available for use until i feel i am completely set up.
(Please only recommend B&W &on cards because i want to be ready for the rotation.)
I can see you decking out a lot, so you might want to:
- 1/2 Juniper
+ 1/2 Cheren/Bianca/another Super Rod

Also, 4 Level Balls might not be enough, you might want to add 2 Ultra Balls or Communication, depending on how often you find yourself with an un-needed pokemon in your hand.

Other than that, good job :)

Devolution Spray might be useful for abusing Gabite's ability as much as possible, but I don't know what to take out.
I'd take out:

3 Rescue Scarf
2 Cheren
4 Water Energy
1 Swablu


3 Fighting Energy
1 Catcher
3 Emolga
1 Super Rod
2 Bianca

Emolga helps GREATLY in this deck. You want to start with it because it can search out 2 basics and put them on your bench. Then on your next turn you can evolve them and get going. T2 60/100 (minus any Altarias) is the main point of this deck. Without Emolga you have a hard time getting out basics.

4 Catcher is needed because once they're gone you won't be able to get them back. You'll want 4 just so it's easier to draw into them and because you want as many cheap KOs as you can get.

Water energy aren't needed because most of the time you are attacking with the first attack + Altaria.

Super Rod are mainly there if you end up using the second attack or Altarias/Chomps get killed.
Thanks for the help i do agree that emolga is very helpful but im not so sure about Bianca it is helpfl but i feel cheren can be useable through almost the whole game
Bianca is really good because with cards like Ultraball where you discard two cards and it's really useful late game after your opponent Ns you down to a very little hand.
I also run a 4-3-4 line, and I don't feel like you need 4 Rare Candies, since half the time I'm evolving from Gabite, since its ability lets me set up other Pokemon faster. 3 Candies has worked well for me. Your energy count is good, but you might want to switch a Water for one more Fighting, since that's the Energy that you actually need to start attacking. I personally don't even play Random Receiver in this deck, but I do have 3 Bianca to make up for it. I also play Ultra Ball so I can wear down my hand, increasing the draw that Bianca gives me. Just some stuff to think about :)
I agree with taking out a rare candy and maybe one receiver but i like having them for those times idont have a supporter but what should i put in fot these two cards i have 7 Fighting energy and 4 LWFM Blend enery
Try out 2 Ultra Balls. I run 3 Level Balls and 2 Ultra Balls and the deck's worked pretty well.
I have tested Terrakion. We all know the old saying: Consistency > techs. This is especially true in this case. While it seems like a great idea, Terrakion needs EXP share/Energy switch to operate. Thats 4 spots in your deck that you have to devote to a 2-2 Terrakion/EXP share or Energy Switch line. I dropped Terrakion after having some list problems and put in more search and speed items. Now my deck works tremendously.
Terrakion also needs tool scrapper or Pluspwer, which is another space you need to add in. Not to mention that the only Darkrai variant that will see the most play is Darkrai Hydreigon and after you do the sad 160 damage, they Max potion your efforts at KOing it away. Ok, lets say you do get a Terrakion up and running. How about that 1 Pluspower or Tool Scrapper to negate Eviolite's effect. Funny how your not gonna draw into that, especially with the loss of Smeargle and deck thinners like Dual Ball, Junk Arm, etc.
If you tech in Terrakion, your just asking for getting Catchered. All darkrai varients play Sableye and all play Catcher. If you run into a varient with Hammers and you don't know, you have a problem buddy. The fact that Junk Arm is getting rotated lets then endlessly catcher up your terrakion(s).
And thats why you don't tech Terrakions in Garchomp.

Now onto the list:
3-3 Altaria works fine.
Rescue Scarf is helpful but unnecessary.
Add a Catcher, another Super rod, and 3 Bianca.
Take out a RR as well. With all your supporters, 3 wont be needed.
Exchange waters for Fightings and drop 1 fighting. You have blends. Why use Waters when if you draw into them they dont work for Garchomps 1st attack.
I think 3 Emolga is overkill. 2 at max is fine. Put in a Rayquaza Regular. It can donk, take easy Kos, and serve as a Plan B.
I don't think you need Emolga. He is helpful for turn 1, then is a bench sitter the rest of the game for your opponent to take the last prize off of. I would go:
- 3 Emolga
-1 Rare Candy
+ 2 Ultra Ball
+ 1 Swablu (40 HP too low)
+ 1 Something else

You can keep the Emolga if you really want to, but at least do

-1 Rare Candy
-1 Something Else
+2 Ultra Ball
You really need the extra search and it clears your hand for Bianca
Mudkip711 said:
Bianca is really good because with cards like Ultraball where you discard two cards and it's really useful late game after your opponent Ns you down to a very little hand.

So you favor drawing 5 cards over discarding that one card in your hand you probably used already and drawing 7 or over Cheren, a much less situational supporter that draws relatively the same cards.

You're forgetting this deck doesn't run Ultra Ball, you'll be discarding too many resources just to get a single Pokemon that can be searched with Gabite, Communication or Level Ball. Is fine in other decks like ZekEels where you want something in the discard.

Bianca < Cheren < 4 RR, 4 Juni, 4 N

4-4-4 Garchomp
4-4 Altaria 

4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Level Ball
4 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod

4 Professor Juniper
4 N

9 Fighting Energy 
3 Water Energy 

Emolga is needed. Here is how a perfect setup would be. T1, Emolga start and get out 1 Gible. Get 2 more Gibles. T2, get a Gabite and stream. Get either an Altaria/Garchomp with the last one. Get 2 Swablu. T3, get 2 Altaria's and Garchomps and attack. This is why this deck is so great. The speed of this deck blows away mosty other decks. If you didn't have Emolga, think about how your start would be. T1, start with Gible. Get 1 Gible and possible 2 if you are lucky. T2, maybe get a Gabite.... If not, I understand because Level Balls were used to get Gible on T1. Still no Swablu. T3, you finally get Gabite (or Garchomp), but your Level Balls are almost gone and you can't get the Swablu's. The Altaria's are what make this deck rise above most other decks. Being able to 2-shot an EX without having that Water energy. I think my point has been made.
Fluttershy said:
Emolga is needed. Here is how a perfect setup would be. T1, Emolga start and get out 1 Gible. Get 2 more Gibles. T2, get a Gabite and stream. Get either an Altaria/Garchomp with the last one. Get 2 Swablu. T3, get 2 Altaria's and Garchomps and attack. This is why this deck is so great. The speed of this deck blows away mosty other decks. If you didn't have Emolga, think about how your start would be. T1, start with Gible. Get 1 Gible and possible 2 if you are lucky. T2, maybe get a Gabite.... If not, I understand because Level Balls were used to get Gible on T1. Still no Swablu. T3, you finally get Gabite (or Garchomp), but your Level Balls are almost gone and you can't get the Swablu's. The Altaria's are what make this deck rise above most other decks. Being able to 2-shot an EX without having that Water energy. I think my point has been made.

Your counter argument is amongst the most poorly informed I've seen on this forum. Sure, use Emolga. Delay yourself by using your attack.

This deck needs T2 Garchomp. It can't do that with Emolga, because you waste a turn attacking.

T1 Get 3 Gible
T2 Evolve 1 into Gabite, search for another Gabite and use the now evolved Gabite to search for Garchomp. Rare candy third Gible, attach and apply pressure.
T3 Evolve the other two Gible.

Altaria can be gotten at any time during those three turns, it's not difficult to get a Swablu and evolve it the next turn.
And how are you going to get 3 gibles?
Also Swablu's/Altaria's are the main catcher target in every matchup, you will need to get 2 benched each time using Emolga also helps with that.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
And how are you going to get 3 gibles?
Also Swablu's/Altaria's are the main catcher target in every matchup, you will need to get 2 benched each time using Emolga also helps with that.

Level Ball and Communication.

Using Emolga on anything besides the first turn is just stupid and completely defeats the purpose of this deck. The deck needs a fast start, and its speed needs to be consistent throughout the entire game. Yo slow it down by using Emolga at the start and in the mid game.