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Garchomp Altaria

Ultra Ball or no Ultra Ball, Bianca is definitely a legit choice in a deck like this. Garchomp/Altaria pretty much built to dump its entire hand on the table, so Bianca is usually better than Cheren, and overtakes N in card advantage after a few turns.
Milky said:
Level Ball and Communication.

Using Emolga on anything besides the first turn is just stupid and completely defeats the purpose of this deck. The deck needs a fast start, and its speed needs to be consistent throughout the entire game. Yo slow it down by using Emolga at the start and in the mid game.

Who said you must use Emolga on anything but the start.
Its made to be a starter. Emolga boosts consistancy not wasting 2/3 communications and level balls on getting your gibles and swablu's which you rather want to use for Altaria's/gabites/garchomps.
I decided to Add 4 comminication because i do find myself late game with emolgas in my hand and with gabite being catchered up and i have no switch or energy so i have nothing left to find pokemon i had to take out one rare candy which i have been wanting to do because it is not needed and 3 Random receiver.

Im not sure if these wer the right cards to take out so tell me if i should change it.
I don't think 4 communication is really necessary. I would do
-1/2 Communication
+1/2 Cheren/other supporter
I honestly like having about 12 supporters average, that way you are much less likely to whiff on them. Though this is not neccessary by any means, you can keep the 4 communication if it really helps.
Emolga isn't a necessary basic engine. In my Garchomp/Altaria. I use 1 Emolga. If I can get it T1, great, if not, I might as well just search out basics via the 4 lvl ball I play and 3 Ultra Ball. After that its smooth sailing with my many supporters.
So how about this, take out 2 Emolga and 2 communication for a max set of items of some sort like enhanced hammer, big cloak, or tool scrapper and any other maybe helpful ones.
Big Cloak won't save you from anything important, but enhanced hammer is nice, and so is tool scrapper, especialy with Garbordor out there.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Who said you must use Emolga on anything but the start.
Its made to be a starter. Emolga boosts consistancy not wasting 2/3 communications and level balls on getting your gibles and swablu's which you rather want to use for Altaria's/gabites/garchomps.

You seriously don't remember saying if your Altaria die you want to replace them with Emolga?

That's called using it after T1.

Using Level Ball, Communication and other search cards is not wasting resources. We would not have included them in this deck, because neither of them can even search out Garchomps. You're forgetting the main purpose of this deck, using Dragon Call to search out your Pokemon.

T1 Use 3 Level Ball / Communication. Probably even less because you draw into Gible.
T2 Draw into/ use remaining search engine to get Gabite and evolve 2, then search for Garchomp with Gabite and rare candy.

We may have used the search engine, but using something is very different to wasting something. You want to use Gabite for the evolutions and those cards for the smaller Pokemon. You suggested replacing Pokemon with Emolga after they've been catchered. That's called using it on anything but Turn 1, and that's not what you want to do, considering you have hungry Garchomps that need to attack all other turns.

Milky said:
You seriously don't remember saying if your Altaria die you want to replace them with Emolga?

That's called using it after T1.

Using Level Ball, Communication and other search cards is not wasting resources. We would not have included them in this deck, because neither of them can even search out Garchomps. You're forgetting the main purpose of this deck, using Dragon Call to search out your Pokemon.

T1 Use 3 Level Ball / Communication. Probably even less because you draw into Gible.
T2 Draw into/ use remaining search engine to get Gabite and evolve 2, then search for Garchomp with Gabite and rare candy.

We may have used the search engine, but using something is very different to wasting something. You want to use Gabite for the evolutions and those cards for the smaller Pokemon. You suggested replacing Pokemon with Emolga after they've been catchered. That's called using it on anything but Turn 1, and that's not what you want to do, considering you have hungry Garchomps that need to attack all other turns.

Assuming to your theory you will get 1 Basics and 3 of any combination of level balls and communication + pokemon every start and use the rest of your communications/level balls T2, which is very hard to believe. Just look at the plus sides of Emolga, they are amazing and they fit the deck great.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Assuming to your theory you will get 1 Basics and 3 of any combination of level balls and communication + pokemon every start and use the rest of your communications/level balls T2, which is very hard to believe. Just look at the plus sides of Emolga, they are amazing and they fit the deck great.

I'm looking, there aren't any benefits to running an Emolga. Reduced bench space, burning an attack in anything but T1, possibly no start with it, screws up draw supporters and general draw. This deck isn't Mr. EX deck. It can't afford to lose a single prize, unlike in EX decks where a non EX pokemon dies, your opponent has to theoretically take 7 prize cards, because he already took 1. It's also a no ultra ball deck, so Ultra Ball fodder is an invalid argument.

It's not theory. My friend and I playtest with it, I've played countless matches against him with Hydreigon/Darkrai and RayEels, he always gets T1 3 Gible through some means.
Milky said:
It can't afford to lose a single prize

Remember that there is no more Junk Arm in this format, so every single Catcher must be played wisely. There is no way that they're going to waste a Catcher on bringing up a starter when they could Catcher up something more useful, like an Altaria, and KO it.

I think that Emolga is going to be played in all good Garchomp/Altaria lists. The entire idea that you can get out even more Pokemon in addition to the ones that you dropped that turn is crazy good. Next turn, you can Level/Ultra ball for a Gabite, and use its ability for another Gabite, and so forth. In other words, even a one-of Emolga could help your set up majorly.
Pokemon- 19
4-2-3 Garchomp (w/ Dragon Blade)
4-3 Altaria
2 Emolga
1 Terrakion

4 rare candy
3 N
4 Level ball
4 Juniper
3 Bianca
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokemon catcher
2 Random Receiver
3 Energy Switch

4 Fighting
4 {L}{W}{F}{M} Blend Energy
3 Water

This is how I would play the deck. Terrakion and Energy Switch may seem weird, but it improves the Darkrai matchup, which is good since the claimed BDIF is Hydreigon/Darkrai. Everything in your deck (except Terrakion) has a 1 retreat cost so switch isn't needed, and I only play 1 Terrakion so there isn't much of a problem with starting with it an such, and since it is a tech you don't need to play it in all of your games. This is just an idea playing off of your original list and not my exact list, so you don't have to play it like this, but there were some cards I definitely questioned, switch being one as well as Super Rod. Enjoy!
Why would you play Terrakion? Terrakion slows the deck down terribly. Just by your list, you're dedicating 4 spots to it. The way you make your deck better against Darkrai is to Catcher their Hydreigons and kill them. Also, what if you start with Terrakion? It sits there until your second turn because you can't Switch it. If you start with Terrakion you're doing 30 T2, whereas you should be doing 60+ T2 with Garchomp.
RogueChomp said:
I have tested Terrakion. We all know the old saying: Consistency > techs. This is especially true in this case. While it seems like a great idea, Terrakion needs EXP share/Energy switch to operate. Thats 4 spots in your deck that you have to devote to a 2-2 Terrakion/EXP share or Energy Switch line. I dropped Terrakion after having some list problems and put in more search and speed items. Now my deck works tremendously.
Terrakion also needs tool scrapper or Pluspwer, which is another space you need to add in. Not to mention that the only Darkrai variant that will see the most play is Darkrai Hydreigon and after you do the sad 160 damage, they Max potion your efforts at KOing it away. Ok, lets say you do get a Terrakion up and running. How about that 1 Pluspower or Tool Scrapper to negate Eviolite's effect. Funny how your not gonna draw into that, especially with the loss of Smeargle and deck thinners like Dual Ball, Junk Arm, etc.
If you tech in Terrakion, your just asking for getting Catchered. All darkrai varients play Sableye and all play Catcher. If you run into a varient with Hammers and you don't know, you have a problem buddy. The fact that Junk Arm is getting rotated lets then endlessly catcher up your terrakion(s).
And thats why you don't tech Terrakions in Garchomp.

You shouldn't run Terrakion. I already said that Darkrais will have Eviolites, so your Terrakions are pointless without Tool Scrapper or Pluspower, both of which a 2-of would have to be to work effectively. Its too much of a waste.
I also have to say, why in the world aren't you running Tool Scrapper? Garbodor could be a big pain for the deck the way you have it.
The thing is that Garbodor isn't that good. All you have to do is Catcher KO it. Problem solved.
Mudkip711 said:
The thing is that Garbodor isn't that good. All you have to do is Catcher KO it. Problem solved.

Unless they run Zebstrika. Which most Garbodor decks will run. They also run an annoying Hammer engine. Don't count out Zebstrika/Garbodor just yet.
TPZ said:
Unless they run Zebstrika. Which most Garbodor decks will run. They also run an annoying Hammer engine. Don't count out Zebstrika/Garbodor just yet.

No way they're going to pull disconnect off every turn. No. Way.