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Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 21
4x Gible (Half Deck)
3x Gabite (Half Deck)
4x Garchomp DRE
3x Swablu DRE
3x Altaria DRE
3x Emolga DRE
1x Rayquaza DRE

Support 14
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Cheren
3x Bianca

Item 14
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Level Ball
3x Rare Candy
2x Super Rod
2x Switch

Energy 11
4x Blend Energy Water/Fighting/Lightning/Metal DRE
7x Fighting Energy

Strategy: Use gabite to set up garchomps and altarias and attack. Rayquaza is for donking little pokemanz and it is ok late game if you need to do a little damage. Its pretty much that simple.


Rayquaza – Dragon – HP120
Basic Pokemon

[L] Dragon Pulse: 40 damage. Discard 2 cards from the top of your deck.
[R][L][C] Tear Through: 90 damage. This attack’s damage isn’t affected by any effects on the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Altaria – Dragon – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Swablu

Ability: Battle Song
As long as this Pokemon is in play, your Dragon-type Pokemon’s attacks do an additional 20 damage to any Active Pokemon.

[W][M][C] Glide: 40 damage.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Garchomp – Dragon – HP140
Stage 2- Evolves from Gabite

[F] Sonic Cutter: 60 damage. Discard a Special Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[W][F] Dragon Blade: 100 damage. Discard the top 2 cards from your deck.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Blend Energy WLFM – Special Energy

This card provides 1 [C] Energy. As long as this card is attached to a Pokemon, it provides either [W], [L], [F], or [M] Energy, but only 1 Energy at a time.

Swablu – Colorless – HP40
Basic Pokemon

[C] Sing: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
[C][C] Peck: 20 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Gible – Dragon – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[F] Sand Attack: If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent’s next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.
[W][C] Knock Away: 10+ damage. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Gabite – Dragon – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Gible

Ability: Dragon Call
Choose 1 Dragon-type Pokemon card from your deck, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can use this Ability 1 time during your turn.

[W][F] Dragon Slice: 20 damage.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
4-4-4 Garchomp
4-4 Altaria 

4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Level Ball
4 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod

4 Professor Juniper
4 N

9 Fighting Energy 
3 Water Energy 

-1 Super Rod
+1 Level ball
4 Level ball is pretty much staple in Garchomp/Altaria.
I would remove either 3 bianca or cheren (depends on what you like the most) and add in 1/2 tool scrapper and 1/2 random receiver
Also there is a chance that Rayquaza wont be in Dragons Exalted.
The list looks good for the rest of it.
Your Master said:
@milky whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat why why why

I'm just suggesting a better list. You could always go 3 rare candy 2 random receiver and add 3 Cheren if you wanted those supporters.

Don't remove Super Rod. You need to get the energy and dead evolution lines back. Don't add switch either. Your Garchomp won't be sticking around for very long, despite what you may think. All of your pokemon have one retreat cost anyway, just attach and be on your way.

4 Level Ball is NOT a staple in Garchomp Altaria. Half deck Gabite is.
Milky said:
4-4-4 Garchomp
4-4 Altaria 

4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Level Ball
4 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod

4 Professor Juniper
4 N

9 Fighting Energy 
3 Water Energy 


You play Garchomp but 4 Juniper, and only 1 Super Rod...
Water Energies because...
4 Communications because...

This is a superior list how?

Cheren and Bianca mix shouldn't be overlooked. Gives you that safe straight draw that you'll need when you have one or two vital cards to set up.

Level Ball searches everything and Gabite gets Garchomp. I'm pretty sure Level Ball is a 4 of in this deck. Communications shouldn't be in this list especially because you don't run other commonly tested cards for other match ups (Snipe Stunfisk, Rayquaza, Emolga, etc)

Water Energy is useful for... nothing. Replace with Blend for versatility. More times than not, you won't be attacking with the second attack. Not saying you won't ever but having the choice between which energy you draw when you need it is better than drawing a water energy and not being able to attack at all.

4 Rare Candy is too much IMO. I'd play 2-3 because of the obvious Gabites. They kind of get the deck set up very very fluidly. Definitely can come in handy when you need clutch Garchomps but not 4 of them.

4-3 Altaria.
4-3-4 Garchomp for space.

New list looks like...


4-3-4 Garchomp
4-3 Altaria
2 Emolga

3 Catcher
3 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Communication
4 Level Ball
2 Random Receiver
2 Super Rod
2 Switch

3 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Cheren
2 Bianca

7 Fighting Energy 
4 {F}{M}{W}{L}Blend Energy 
I'm getting tired of arguing the point of why Blend energy is inferior to basic energy 500 words a time. I'm sure you can figure out why yourself.

Anyway, you are implying that I'll only draw into a single type of energy during any one turn. It's easy to simply disregard the water energy and use a draw supporter. With a 9 - 3 line, I can't see you not drawing into your fighting energy at all.

You don't run 2 Cheren and 2 Bianca. You run one or the other. I gave him the option to include those supporters if he wanted to, he's not restricted to 4 RR, 4 Juniper and 4 N, a supporter line which I believe to be superior to running Cheren/Bianca through my testing.

What are you doing running 3 Catcher. Seriously. -30 respect points.

Level Ball was an oversight on my part. New list looks like 4 Level Ball 3 Communication.

It doesn't matter if 4 Rare Candy will hardly be used. We run 4 because we want to draw into them.

2 Super Rod is OK.

2 Switch is hardly necessary. I already argued the point in my previous post.

Forget Emolga. It is a bad card, period. Fine, but if you do run it you run Super Scoop Up. And it's a 2 of at best.

GarTaria is a 60% Pokemon 40% everything else deck. You don't need to be conservative with space because not many cards are needed, so even if 4 Rare Candy was overkill, run it for the sake of having space.
Milky said:
Forget Emolga. It is a bad card, period. Fine, but if you do run it you run Super Scoop Up. And it's a 2 of at best.

How do you expect to get a lot of basics out on your first turn? Hoping to draw into them or Level Ball? Emolga is a good card in this deck to start with because you need to get as many Gibles and Swablus out as possible. You shouldn't be using Level Ball to get basics. You should be using them to get Gabites or Altarias. Communication isn't needed in this deck because you have Gabites to search your deck for any Dragon Pokemon.
Mudkip711 said:
How do you expect to get a lot of basics out on your first turn? Hoping to draw into them or Level Ball? Emolga is a good card in this deck to start with because you need to get as many Gibles and Swablus out as possible. You shouldn't be using Level Ball to get basics. You should be using them to get Gabites or Altarias. Communication isn't needed in this deck because you have Gabites to search your deck for any Dragon Pokemon.

Communication is a basic search. It's great for replacing unneeded cards like drawing a Garchomp T1. I'll put this into perspective for you. What does everyone run, like 2 Emolga?

The chance of starting with Emolga with 10 Basic Pokemon and only 2 ideal starters, Emolga, is 26.9%

The chance of drawing into Gible with 10 basic Pokemon and a maximum amount of 4 Gible is 53.9%.

The chance of drawing into Gible with 8 basic Pokemon (no Emolga) and a maximum count of 4 Gible is 61.1%.

The probability of drawing into a supporter or Random Receiver with 4 Juniper, 4 N and 4 RR is 81.56%.

Make of these statistics what you wish.
@milky emolga is a very important card and is easy to get t1 even if u don't start with it that is why u run three and switch t1 call for family is very helpful

I would of agreed with you until I actually tested this deck
@Milky, most run 3/4 also the deck runs 2/3 switches. Emolga also protects you from donks, has free retreat, makes communication better.
Have you actually ever seen Emolga? Also you can't just post the same list in every garchomp/altaria thread and say the player must play the list.
I'm not forcing it upon him, I'm just suggesting a good list. But I have seen Emolga, I've proxied for it and used it for play testing. Only two so far but I'm willing to test 3-4.

I'll test switch too. I'm still not an advocate for it.
Rayquaza most likely won't be released in Dragons Exalted so I'd advise against testing with it; trying to enter Battle Roads with Japanese cards is a generally bad idea. :p