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Aspiring Trainer

  • 2x Shaymin BCR (It doesn't have the lighting weakness that Emolga has which helps against Plasma decks)

    4x Gible
    4x Gabite
    4x Garchomp

    3x Swablu
    3x Altaria

  • 3x Professor Juniper
    4x N
    2x Cheren
    2x Bianca
    3x Skyla

    3x Rare Candy
    3x Level Ball
    1x Max Potion
    1x Super Rod
    1x Switch
    1x Tool Scrapper
    3x Pokemon Catcher

    1x Computer Search/Life Dew

  • 4x Blend WLFM
    2x Fighting
    6x Water

I'd love some input on this desk list I've made. I originally had Energy Searches in lieu of Skylas to get immediate attacks T2 or T3 but I'm not really sure. I'm also not quite sure if I should have more Super Rods since Alterias are prone to getting knocked out in a single hit.


(Whoo my first post too.)
4x Blend WLFM
2x Fighting
6x Water


4 Blend
5-6 Fighting
1 Water

+ 1-2 Super Rod
+ 1 Juniper

(I would still run Emolga.)
Teal said:
Free retreat.

Oh durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Well here's my new updated list:

Pokemon - 20
2x Emolga

4x Gible
4x Gabite
4x Garchomp

3x Swablu
3x Altaria

Trainers - 30
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
2X Cheren
2x Bianca
2x Skyla (or 3)
3x Rare Candy
3x Level Ball
1x Max Potion
1x Energy Search (or 0)
2x Super Rod
1x Switch
1x Tool Scrapper
3x Pokemon Catcher
1x Computer Search/Life Dew

Energy - 10
4x Blend WLFM
5x Fighting
1x Water
Please explain to me why you are playing 1 F and 5 W when most of the time you are hitting with an attack that requires [F].
Also take out 2 things and add 1 more Swablu and 1 more Altaria. Since that's what your opponent should be targeting.
Teal said:
Please explain to me why you are playing 1 F and 5 W when most of the time you are hitting with an attack that requires [F].

Oh that was a mistake. Edited.

Blueinvader said:
Also take out 2 things and add 1 more Swablu and 1 more Altaria. Since that's what your opponent should be targeting.

Guuuuuh that's a lot of space. I could tech in a Mr. Mime for bench attackers but I guess they could get Catcher'd out.

Keldeo EX is a must in here. Not only does it with Float Stone give you massive switching power to negate Laser, but it can also use Hydro Pump for a significant amount of damage thanks to the addition of Water and Blend Energy in your list. Your Supporter lines seem a little bit funky. Not sure if I like the addition of Cheren in here.

-2 Cheren
-1 Energy Search
-1 Max Potion
-1 Super Rod

+2 Random Receiver
+1 Keldeo EX
+2 Float Stone

This should help the list run cleaner. Also, side notes. Computer Search > Life Dew. Tech one 50 HP Gible for the quick one energy attack. It can really help you deal fast damage in a pinch.