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Garchomp/bronzong BW-on


pegasus boots: hyrule's finest and fastest
I should point out that this is theorycraft at the moment and untested, however max potion has got a lot of hype recently, and I came up with an idea to counter this predicted play.

4-3-4 Garchomp DRX (dragon call gabite, 'good' garchomp)
3-3 Bronzong NXD
3 Emolga DRX (call for family)

4 N
4 Juniper
3 bianca
2 random receiver

4 catcher
3 Level ball
3 Pokemon communication
3 Rare candy
2 switch
2 super rod

6 fighting
4 Blend energy WFML

basically, it plays just like a garchomp altaria deck, but you use bronzong over altaria, so set up multiple garchomps and spam 60 for a single fighting while keeping your opponent off guard with energy denial. Like I said, max seems to have been getting hype and a lot of play recently, and bronzong's heal block stops your opponent from healing away damage. Bronzong also has the advantage of better (meta) weakness and resistance along with +40HP

now this is the crucial bit: would you rather do lots of damage with altaria and risk it being healed with max potion, or do less damage safe in the knowledge that it won't be healed away? It's an honest question and one that I'd like some opinions on.

any other comments/ideas fixes welcome as well.

thank you
The answer to your question:
You won't be able to OHKO Hydreigon, Rayquaza EX or a Garchomp. So there is the answer. You would be 3HKO Terrakion, Empoleon, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem and more. And not all decks run max potion. Even if you use the second you will be 2HKOing the mention above (except dragon) and be discarding 4 cards. It really doesn't work in my opinion.
I agree. I'd rather be OHKO'ing in the first place. It's a good tech idea though. Just don't think it fits in Garchomp. I'd rather run the Altarias and some Plus Powers.
Maybe you could play the Altaria version of the deck with a 1-1 Bronzong line teched against Max Potion?
I think it would be too inconsistant since you can't Dragon Call for it. You want to go for three Altarias. Even if one's KO'd, you'll Level Ball for Swablu. Most decks run Emolga, so that leaves room for a Garchomp in the Active and one on the Bench. Put in Bronzong on the Bench instead, and you can't stream Garchomps.