Garchomp coming back?

^ That would be so slow there would be no chance for that deck to work. A pokemon that needs 3 energy to attack and a pokemon that needs 4 energy to attack. Also the two have nothing in common.
He means to restore Giratina, but that's also not easy to do either.
It depends on how much of an impact Dialga G and it's Lv. X will have on the meta, If it's as bad as some people think then Garchomp could be in some serious trouble.

Not only can it shutdown Trainers and Supporters with Deafen but Time Crystal can be a real pain in the butt, shutdown your Rainbow Scale with Garchomp and with Deafen it can shutdown any Buck's Trainings and/or PlusPowers from being played to boost Dragon Fang as well.

Giratina Lv. X is pretty much a dead card with Unown G being rampant in today's meta, Lost Zone? what Lost Zone?
Card Slinger J said:
Giratina Lv. X is pretty much a dead card with Unown G being rampant in today's meta, Lost Zone? what Lost Zone?
What does it matter? They're still KOd.
memory berry might help out with its high attack cost. Assuming you rare candied I guess. 50 damage and a forced switch for one energy is pretty good.
Why, to use Gible's attack? Bleh. With Rainbow scale 50 for one isn't horrible, I suppose. Still way to slow for my taste though...
I think some people are interested in the Memory berry.

Turn 1:
Gible, Candy, Chomp, attach energy, and memory berry. Push down does 50 damage because of Chomp's body.
That's the only thing i see in the "new" chomp.. but it's not really "new" because memory berry is a reprint anyway xP
Nothing that'll bring it to metagame status though

edit: Pff. Oh, Someone already said that.
I never end up reading all the replies, before i reply.
Good job Julie xP
Blue Thunder said:
In theory, this would normally be great. However, the main reason I said that comment was because almost everything has 130HP, and Garchomp needs more than 1 PP to get there.

If we had a metagame where 110/120 HP ruled, it would be pretty good. However, we have more of a 130/140 HP instead, which gives Garchomp some big problems.

If the metagame shifts to an SP enviroment, I think it could see a little bit more play. However, I don't see that happening soon.

Without the PP, Garchomp 2HKO's things. But which Pokemon (Besides Slaking) doesn't? A lot of Pokemon 2HKO's most pokes due to the 130-140 HP, what makes Garchomp different? People like the 100 attack hits (Gigas, Torterra), and yet people doubt Garchomp who does 110?

I like him, the only thing that's stopping me from running him is Dialga.
Meh I'll still run my Togechomp deck, Dialga G Lv. X doesn't scare me. When you really think about it though it depends on the matchups you're going up against that decide how good your deck is.

If by some chance you know your Opponent is gonna be playing Dialga G Lv. X then play a different deck that counters against it somehow but this pertains to League play not Modified tourney since you can't switch decks between matches unless it's Pokemon League.
George2FRESH said:
Without the PP, Garchomp 2HKO's things. But which Pokemon (Besides Slaking) doesn't? A lot of Pokemon 2HKO's most pokes due to the 130-140 HP, what makes Garchomp different? People like the 100 attack hits (Gigas, Torterra), and yet people doubt Garchomp who does 110?

I like him, the only thing that's stopping me from running him is Dialga.
2HKOing Pokemon normally are much faster, or have a better benefit. Gigas is atrocious with hand/deck disruption, self-healing and energy acceleration. I doubt Torterra's holding up well. Also, three energy attacks with no energy accleration are not usually favored (I don't know why people are still considering Giratina an option).
random fact, Garchomp 2hit KO's Dialga G Lv X with 1 or less special metals, 3 hit ko's 2 and 3, 4 hit ko's 4, all ignoring snowpoint. Same stats are true with Dialga G with snowpoint, and it becomes a 2 hit ko at worst if rainbow scale is activated.
Not only random, it's pointless. Do you honestly thnk I'll keep my Dialga G LV.X active?
Sometime down the line, you may not have a choice.

Not to mention all the deck needs to do is tech Metagross with a Multi-Rainbow. I'll pull Dialga right back up.
So you tech a Garchomp deck with Metagross? Good luck catching up with the speed.
That is not a good Garchomp. 3 energy for around 80 damage? Not cool.

EDIT: Actually, it has a pretty good Poke-Body, but Dialga G Lv X will be rampant with all the G pokes coming out. =/