Garchomp coming back?

Garchomp was only good when we had EX's, back then we could do Restore to get Flygon EX d out then do 80 and 10 to all damaged pokemon.
Abomasnow-Man29 said:
Garchomp was only good when we had EX's, back then we could do Restore to get Flygon EX d out then do 80 and 10 to all damaged pokemon.

not to be mean, but now we can restore kabutops, and do 70 and 10 to everything with damage, it blocks trainers, and it doesn't gives your opp. 2 prizes.

the thing i see in garchomp, is spread.
it can restore 3 energy pokemon like kabutops or dusknoir, and it can spread with it's pokepower.
There can be many attackers on G SPDecks.Toxicroak,Honchkrow and Crobat.
PokeKid Brandon said:
^ That would be so slow there would be no chance for that deck to work. A pokemon that needs 3 energy to attack and a pokemon that needs 4 energy to attack. Also the two have nothing in common.

It's a super spreader, chip away with Giratina while Garchomp is set up, when Giratina goes, send out Garchomp, level up, Dragon Pulse potentially puts more damage on the bench, restore Giratina, so energy is taken care off, level him up and watch all of the opponent's pokemon fly to the lost zone. If things get desperate, restore a Dragonite that was discarded with Felicity's.