• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
  • 3 Gible
  • 3Gabite
  • 3 Garchomp DEX
  • 2 Axew
  • 2 Faxure
  • 2 Haxorus PLB
  • 3 Swablu
  • 3 Altaria DEX

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Cheren
  • 4 Level Ball(s)
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 4 Rare Candy(s)
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Tool Scrapper

  • 5 Fighting
  • 5 Steel
  • 4 Blend

The deck seems pretty sound just some minor adjustmenst need to be made, im pondering the notion of 3 line Haxorus, or 4 line of Garchomp but a little hesitant as to what to pull or not pull. It actually has done pretty well against Genesect/Verizion and anyone running TDK is not too big of a threat w PLB Haxorus. Oh and i really have no intrest in running EX Pokemon so no mention of them is needed. =]
Hmm... I would Like to say:

-3 Swablu
-3 Altaria
+2 Silver Bangle
+1 Tool Scrapper
+1 Gible
+1 Gabite
+1 Garchomp

Silver Bangle just makes Altaria a little obsolete. It's sad for me to say this, as I play Garchomp/Altaria myself, with a Shiny Altaria no less, but these changes would make it more consistent and stop Garbador shutting down your Gabite Engine. Also:

-2 Metal Energy
+2 Fighting Energy

Both attackers use Fighting, and Blend is Metal, Water and Fighting in one. Maybe:

-2 Fraxure
+1 Axew
+1 Haxorus

You have 4 Rare Candy for a reason. :3

Hope I could help!
Also, the prefix on this thread should be NXD-On, right? That's the current format.
Lord Fletchling said:
Hmm... I would Like to say:

-3 Swablu
-3 Altaria
+2 Silver Bangle
+1 Tool Scrapper
+1 Gible
+1 Gabite
+1 Garchomp

Silver Bangle just makes Altaria a little obsolete. It's sad for me to say this, as I play Garchomp/Altaria myself, with a Shiny Altaria no less, but these changes would make it more consistent and stop Garbador shutting down your Gabite Engine. Also:

-2 Metal Energy
+2 Fighting Energy

Both attackers use Fighting, and Blend is Metal, Water and Fighting in one. Maybe:

-2 Fraxure
+1 Axew
+1 Haxorus

You have 4 Rare Candy for a reason. :3

Hope I could help!
Also, the prefix on this thread should be NXD-On, right? That's the current format.
I almost completely agree with you only disagreeing with one thing.
If you are going to run Haxorous, you need atleast one stage one (2-1-2) because with Gothitelle and Trevenant (soon to come) you can get locked out of rare candies and haxorus line is locked up.

Other than that, i agree with that bangle > Altaria but i wont tell you what to take out because if you do manage to get multiple Altaria it will be better than just a bangle (and since your deck has a distinct name/setup, i'll let you decide what you ultimately need to do).
JungleBeatz said:
Lord Fletchling said:
-2 Fraxure
+1 Axew
+1 Haxorus
If you are going to run Haxorous, you need atleast one stage one (2-1-2) because with Gothitelle and Trevenant (soon to come) you can get locked out of rare candies and haxorus line is locked up.

I've always considered Haxorus to be more of a tech for Plasmas rather than a main attacker. If that's the case, you don't need a 3-0-3, and you don't need a Stage 1 for Item lock because Haxorus would be irrelevant for that match up anyway.

I think you have way too many Energies. I did just fine with only 9 and 1 Energy Search.

-5 Metal Energy
+2 Escape Rope; You'll be missing those Catchers.
+2 Silver Mirror; Put them on a Haxorus and you can run through any Plasma deck. Also keeps Axews safe until you can evolve them and power them up.
+1 Dowsing Machine
Lord Fletchling said:
Silver Bangle just makes Altaria a little obsolete. It's sad for me to say this, as I play Garchomp/Altaria myself, with a Shiny Altaria no less, but these changes would make it more consistent and stop Garbador shutting down your Gabite Engine. Also:

Taking out Altaria forces an auto-loss against Empoleon, Crobat, and switching it out for bangle makes it fragile to tool scrapper.
Garchomp looses one way or the other, personally I'd rather go with Altaria + bangles.

Mora said:
I've always considered Haxorus to be more of a tech for Plasmas rather than a main attacker. If that's the case, you don't need a 3-0-3, and you don't need a Stage 1 for Item lock because Haxorus would be irrelevant for that match up anyway.
I agree here, Haxorus does less damage than Garchomp anyway, there's not really any point in running Haxorus for any other reason than teching against plasma.

Problem with Garchomp is that you can't really run it without getting destroyed by one side or the other, Garchomp can discard Energies from plasma, but without haxorus, you are most likely going to get overwhelmed, no altaria means loosing against rogues, and other various decks with less Ex's, Scrapped bangles is a situation you don't want to be in, but without bangle you don't easily 2hit Ko ex's.

Personally, I think this deck is runable with altaira, muscle band and red card once X&Y are out. Other than that I don't see Garchomp squeezing in all the different ideas and managing to win often.
Garchomp is Tier 3 anyway, but the most "Meta" Variant is straight Garchomp, and with Haxorus and Bangle, it works a little like an anti-meta deck.
As long as you only play down Bangles when you need to, Tool Scrapper isn't too big of a deal, especially if you have 4 Bangles and 1 Dowsing Machine. If you can force them to play their Scrappers for one Tool each, you'll be sure to have enough Bangles. Even if you run out Bangles, you can still Dragonblade a few times and take those 2HKO's.
well the deal wthe whole haxorus thing is i run into a lot of TDK and Yeti, so its highly practical, also for 2 steel energies or a steel and a blend, the haxorus hits for 80+20+20+30=150 for 2 Altaria, and Sliver Bangle, so a pretty decent hit! I can see the use in escape ropes, and silver mirrors makes sense. But cant really drop all the altarias i might be able to drop 1 set of them. I've also been playing w dividing the attackers in half running 3-3-3 garchomp and a 3-1-3 Haxorus line. but just gotta pu another Haxorus, no big deal.

-1 Altaria
-1 Swablu
-1 Juniper
-1 Fighting Energy
+2 Silver Mirrors
+2 Escape Ropes
But Garchomp for two Energies, two Altaria, and Bangle hits for 170. The only think that Haxorus does better than Garchomp is deal with Plasmas. If you're not playing against something Plasma, I wouldn't even bother getting Haxorus out. And if their are some match ups where you won't even get them out, I wouldn't devote more than a 2-0-2 line.
Revised Deck
  • 3 Gible
  • 3 Gabite
  • 3 Garchomp
  • 3 Axew
  • 1 Fraxure
  • 3 Haxorus
  • 2 Swablu
  • 2 Ataria

    - Trainers
  • 3 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Cheren
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Silver Mirror
  • 1 Tool Scrapper

    - Energy
  • 5 Fighting
  • 5 Steel
  • 4 Blend

cuz this is just a possible variation cuz the current one ive done is 4-3-4 Garchomp and a current 2-1-2 Haxorus w a 3-3 Altaria which seems to be working. its just i run into alot of plasma where im from!
OK so i went through a few tournys this week and my deck took me all the way to 5th place but heres the new refined deck list


4 Garchomp
3 Gabite
4 Gible
3 Altaria
3 Swablu
1 Axew
1 Haxorus


4 N
3 Juniper
2 Skyla
2 Cheren
4 Level ball
4 Rare candy
3 Silver Bangle
2 Escape Ropes
2 Super Rods
1 Sliver Mirror
1 Tool Scrapper


7 Fighting
3 Steel
4 Blend