• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer

  • Gible x3
    Leafeon (PF)x2
    Landorus EXx1

  • Juniperx4
    Level Ballx3
    Max potionx3
    Rare Candyx2
    Pokemon Communicationx2
    Pokemon catcherx4
    Frozen Cityx3

  • Fightingx10
    Bland WLMF x4
Low Energy pokemon plus Frozen city stadium deal large amounts of damage to energy reliant decks:

example: keldeo: takes 60+ damage from energy placement with Frozen City, while Garchomp takes 20/40 damage, Leafeon takes 20, and Lando takes 20 or 60 depending on which move I build for.

**Leafeon (PF) does 20 times the amount of energy on your opponents side of the field (active+bench)

Plasma Badge could be worked in to negate any damage I take from Frozen City
Just a clarification in your strategy, Leafeon doesn't take any damage from attaching energy with Frozen City. It's a plasma Pokemon. But I think adding plasma badge would give you a hand, even with the energy costs being low, you want to minimize the damage you take, while messing with your opponent. Also, you might consider swapping your Communications for Ultra Balls, to search for Garchomps or anything else for that matter, and 16 energy is a bit steep, considering the tiny requirements for your attacks, if you're worried about running out of energy, consider Energy Retrieval or Energy Search. Both can be searched for with Skyla. You might even drop the blend energies all together.
I totally overlooked Leafeon's plasma classification, thanks!

I feel like Ultra balls might be unnessesary, since Gabite searches for Gible/Gabite/Garchomp. PokeComm can turn a Gabite's ability into an Ultra Ball without the discard.

I agree that energy is a bit steep, maybe drop some for Badges/other cards?

Also - does Landorus still fit in the deck? I like him for early damage/tanking, but not sure if he still fits.

If you have an Extra Landorus EX, you could easily replace a Blend Energy for it. I personally prefer Basic Energy over Special if my Deck is compatible with it, so I don't expose a weakness to Enhanced Hammer.

I think I'd personally replace the blends with a split of 2 (W) and 2 (L). Believe it or not, there were a few situation's when Emolga's Static Shock proved useful.
I totally blanked on Gabite's ability... *shame* so yeah, Comm actually sounds legit in this deck. Definitely run the Landorus if you can. It helps too much to let it slide past, and it loves the low energy requirements of its partners. Another thing you could do is (assuming you find a way to lower your energy count) swap out one of your Frozen Cities for an Energy Search. There will be a lot of other decks that will play Frozen city, so it won't be an issue to run 2 instead of 3, and a single Energy Search in a low energy deck is awesome in the case of Skyla > Energy Search > Fighting Energy > Attack. It can be a real game-changer.
Regirocket said:
I totally blanked on Gabite's ability... *shame* so yeah, Comm actually sounds legit in this deck. Definitely run the Landorus if you can. It helps too much to let it slide past, and it loves the low energy requirements of its partners. Another thing you could do is (assuming you find a way to lower your energy count) swap out one of your Frozen Cities for an Energy Search. There will be a lot of other decks that will play Frozen city, so it won't be an issue to run 2 instead of 3, and a single Energy Search in a low energy deck is awesome in the case of Skyla > Energy Search > Fighting Energy > Attack. It can be a real game-changer.

At the moment, with all the testing going on, I haven't seen any frozen city. The main reason for this is because virbank is still popular, so for this deck to win the stadium wars, running 3 frozen city (because this is the main point of the deck) is pretty necessary. And yeah, if possible run 2 lando and 2 emolga. Emolga is awesome for this deck. Also, level balls works really well.
Hi all! Thank you so much for the helpful input. I was able to pull the cards I needed to try this deck out at the pre-release this weekend and playtested at my league on Sunday. This is the list of what I went with:

I found that with the original list and minor tweaks from the suggestions, I was lacking energy early on and was waiting to attack. I tried to fit in a little more and found that it helped but the problem still pops up occasionally.

I also found myself struggling to set up fast due to a lack of energy/pokemon early on.

How I did/Decks tested against: Articuno/Garbador (1W1L); Darkrai/Hydreigon (1W) Keldeo/Blastoise/Mewtwo (4W/2L)