• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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garchomp sv, seniors maybe brs


pokemon 23

4-3-4 garchomp
1 crobat g
1 ambipom g
2-1 uxie
4 unown r
1 azelf
1 unown q
chatot md

2 pokemoncollector
3 bebes saerch
1 palmers
1 judge
1 luxury ball
1 pokemon commucation
3 rare candy
2 warp point
3 expert belts
4 broken time space
4 pokedex


4 call energy
2 cyclone
Strategy = kill everything with speed impact or tank with guard claw.
1- VS Seeker
1- Cynthia's feelings
1- premier ball
1+ rare candy
2+ Pokemon rescue

rare candy for quik garchomp.
Pokemon rescue for pick back garchomp.
what do you do when u face a scizor prime and you cant touch it because of all special energy and only two basic
You don't need warp energy in this deck. You need cyclone energy so you can make your opponent switch their pokemon to one without (or with?) energy. It would also help if you faced scizor prime.

IMO you need a 4th DCE to power up garchomp faster. I would take out maybe a cyclone?
you don't have any draw supporters other than new theory so i would....

-1 bat G
-1 communication
-2 warp point (doesn't chomp have free retreat?)
-1 palmer's
-1 BTS

+4 POV
+1 flower shop lady
+1 collector

this should speed up the deck at least a little bit.
Thanks, I dont think i will take out warp point for POV. Warp point is so good for getting easy prizes and taking out unown r out of the active spot.
If your oppoent just leveled up to porygon z x you would hafe to discard all your energy cards....what are you going to do about that and energy reomovel?