Celebi, they will still definitely be cheaper once the hype settles down, but it does bug me that they had an official ad with the good ones just to switch them up later.
I highly agree with you on the secondary market messing the game up for some, especially since that's the very reason I quit playing before Noble Victories came out. The good decks back then were pretty cheap, but still a bit on the expensive side with the back then expensive Reshiram and Zekroms (and Catcher, though more expensive now, was also up there). I wasn't even very interested anymore after that so I skipped NV. Well, once I came back, there was flippin' Mewtwo EX who was a must play and cost $60.
So yes, some EXs are being put in tins, we know that, but I'm finding it hard to justify coming back when I know more must have EXs are coming in the nearish future at more stupid prices. I don't know, I guess when I think of it the blame belongs to more than just Pokemon though, Pokemon Company for putting such a limited number of EXs in each box is one, the second-hand market for raising prices through the roof another, and myself for even bothering if I know what I'm trying to get into before I even try. I'm not denying that I don't have to come back if the prices are too high, but I really do miss my friends there. =/
The Pikachu Mafia, it may not stop the people who can find a way to get them, but it is stopping people. It's stopping me COMPLETELY from playing. You can't just throw out "it's not stopping people" when it is.