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Garchomps Trades [H] Lots of Lv Xs, 2x Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Stuff

RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Stuff

1x Flygon Lv X
1x Flygon (RR) Not holo or RH
3x Vibrava RR
2x Rare Candy
2x Roseanne's1 incoming
3x Bebe's Search 1 incoming
Xx Staple trainers
2x Uxie

I have these. I am very interested in Lux X. LMK if we can work out a deal. I know it says on my thread that I cant trade to make out of US trades but may be able to make an exception.
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Stuff

Would you do

Flygon X
Flygon RR x2 (Holo)

Luxray GL X
Absol G x1
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Stuff

Your: Luxray X

My: Alakazam 4 X
Dialga G X
4x Bebes Search
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Stuff

CML for luxray lv X. Will trade alot :)
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Stuff

I'm afraid it's a no to everyone but thanks for looking.
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] PA!

Is your Mewtwo Lv.X from a tin?
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] PA!

Can you CML for it please
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] PA!

BIG want CML for garachomp X(MD) small want and honckrow X
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

Can you CML for luxray GL Lv.X. I have plenty of unlisted stuff including new stuff so just ask.
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

Can you give me a link to your trade thread please.
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

Opps forgot that I deleted that from my dig. I readded it.
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

I like these:

Salemcence Lv>X
Dark Arceus
Colorless arceus
Lighting arceus
Fighting arceus
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

Hey CML for luxray lv X I can do blaziken and absol lv X for it LMK
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

I'm only looking for PA at the moment so LMK if you get any.
RE: Garchomps Trades [H] 2x Absol G Lv X, Luxray GL Lv X!!! [W] Everything in PA!

How is the weather in the UK?
I want your Luxray GL X.
I have a Leafeon LvX...

LMK if we can do business!

OH, I live in the USA BTW.